Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole (2024)

Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole – Experience the nostalgic flavors of an American favorite with our delightful Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole. This recipe brings together tender chicken, vibrant vegetables, and a creamy blend of flavors all embraced by a layer of buttery biscuit dough. Every bite will transport you back, to moments of warmth and togetherness making it the perfect choice for family dinners or special gatherings. Join us on an adventure into the heart of comfort food.

this Recipe

The first time I made this Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole just catching its aroma took me back, to cherished memories from my childhood. Memories filled with love and warmth that centered around comforting homemade meals in my grandmother’s kitchen.

I can still picture the excitement in my husband’s eyes as he savored that first bite while even my typically picky child couldn’t resist its undeniable charm. This dish has the ability to transform an evening into an unforgettable occasion filling our home not just with nourishment but also nostalgia.

Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole (2)

What makes this Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole stand out?

What truly makes this Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole stand out is its combination of flavors and textures. The smooth foundation, enhanced with the comforting flavors of cream of chicken soup and sour cream coats the tender strands of chicken and the vibrant medley of vegetables. However, the real highlight is the biscuit dough topping that bakes to a flaky perfect finish. This casserole is more than a dish; it takes you on an expedition, through layers of comfort and flavor that blend harmoniously like a symphony.

Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole (3)

What You Need To Make This Bubble-Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole Recipe?

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Cream of Chicken Soup: To create a casserole the key is to start with a high-quality cream of chicken soup. Look for a brand that uses real ingredients and has a balanced flavor. It will provide richness and depth to the dish.

Chicken: The star of the casserole is the tender chicken. You can use rotisserie chicken for convenience. Roast your own for that homemade touch. Just make sure it’s seasoned well and cooked to perfection before shredding it.

Vegetables: Adding vegetables is essential, for both color and nutrition in the casserole. While frozen vegetables are recommended in the recipe you can also use freshly chopped ones for added crunch and vibrancy. Just keep in mind that cooking times may vary.

Sour Cream: For a twist sour cream is an addition to give it a luscious texture with a touch of tanginess. If you’re looking for a healthier option, without compromising on flavor Greek yogurt can be used instead.

Cheddar Cheese: To elevate the indulgence factor don’t forget to include some Cheddar cheese! Opting for sharp Cheddar will bring out its flavor that perfectly balances the creaminess of the dish.

Premade Biscuit Dough: While using premade biscuit dough offers convenience if you’re feeling adventurous you can try making your own homemade biscuit dough to take this experience up a notch. You have the freedom to customize the dish by adding your favorite herbs and spices.

Seasoned salt and garlic powder: These seasonings play a role, in enhancing the taste of the casserole. Adjust the quantities according to your preference and, for a garlic flavor you might want to use freshly minced garlic.

Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole (4)

Steps To Make Bubble-Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole:

Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

Step 2: In a bowl mix together the cream of chicken soup, sour cream, shredded chicken, frozen vegetables, seasoned salt, garlic powder and the delicious Cheddar cheese until well combined.

Step 3: Open the cans of biscuits. Cut each biscuit into four pieces.

Step 4: Gently stir the biscuit pieces into the chicken mixture to ensure even distribution.

Step 5: Take a 9×13 pan. Generously coat it with stick cooking spray.

Step 6: Spread the chicken mixture evenly in the pan to create a layer of goodness.

Step 7: Place the pan in the oven. Bake for approximately 35 to 40 minutes until the casserole turns golden brown and is cooked through deliciously.

Step 8: Once done remove the casserole from the oven. Let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes. This allows all flavors to blend together perfectly for a harmonious bite.

Step 9: As you eagerly await its completion serve portions of Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole on plates. The steam rising from this dish promises comfort, with every forkful.

Step 10: Now as you indulge in the flavors and feel the warmth, in your heart it’s time to fully enjoy the outcome of your efforts. Take that first bite. Experience the harmonious blend of flavors just like it was savored in traditional kitchens.

Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole (5)


Take your Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole to heights by adding a twist. Enhance the biscuit dough by incorporating herbs into it. Before mixing the biscuit pieces with the chicken mixture gently fold in chopped herbs such as thyme, rosemary or parsley. This simple addition will infuse the casserole with an aroma and an extra burst of flavor that will make your guests curious about your secret ingredient. The herb infused biscuits not only elevate the dish to a gourmet level. Also create a delightful contrast, with the creamy filling making every bite an enjoyable experience.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use fresh vegetables instead of frozen ones?

Of course! Using vegetables of frozen ones can really elevate the taste of the casserole giving it a delightful crunch and vibrant flavor. Just remember to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Can I prepare the casserole ahead of time?

Absolutely! You have the option to prepare the casserole in advance. Simply assemble it. Store it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to bake it. When you’re ready to serve make sure to adjust the baking time as necessary, for heating.

Can I substitute the sour cream with a healthier alternative?

Certainly! If you’re looking for an alternative to sour cream, Greek yogurt is an excellent choice. It offers a creaminess that can perfectly substitute sour cream while also providing some added health benefits.

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Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole (6)

Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole

  • Author: Audrey
  • Total Time: 55 MINUTES
  • Yield: 12 1x
Print Recipe


Step into a world where the comforting flavors of home meet a touch of magic. Our Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole. Picture yourself savoring each bite as tender chicken mingles, with veggies all crowned by a biscuit crust with a golden brown hue. This recipe goes beyond the satisfaction of hunger; it nourishes the soul. As the enticing aroma fills your kitchen it evokes memories of family get togethers and cozy nights reminding us that food is not fuel. Also a gateway, to treasured moments.



1 can of cream of chicken soup

2 cups of cooked and shredded chicken

1 ½ cups of frozen vegetables

1 cup of sour cream

1 cup of sharp Cheddar cheese

12 ounces of premade biscuit dough

½ teaspoon of seasoned salt

1 teaspoon of garlic powder


Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

In a mixing bowl combine cream of chicken soup, sour cream, cooked chicken, frozen vegetables, seasoned salt, garlic powder and Cheddar cheese. Mix everything together until blended.

Take the biscuit dough. Cut it into quarters.

Carefully fold the biscuit pieces into the mixture of chicken and other ingredients.

Grease a baking pan sized 9×13 with cooking spray to prevent sticking.

Evenly spread the chicken mixture in the greased pan.

Place it in the oven. Bake for around 35 to 40 minutes until it turns brown and is fully cooked.

Once done baking let the casserole rest for about 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

Serve yourself portions of this Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole. Enjoy its comforting flavors!


To give this comforting Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole a gluten-free twist you’ll need to make a few ingredient substitutions. Make sure to choose a cream of chicken soup that is gluten-free, opt for biscuit dough that is also free from gluten and double check that all the seasonings you use are certified gluten free. By making these adjustments you can enjoy the creamy and savory dish while still meeting your dietary needs. Take pleasure in every mouthful of this casserole knowing it has been thoughtfully prepared with your dietary preferences, in mind.

  • Prep Time: 15 MINUTES
  • Cook Time: 40 MINUTES
Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole (7)


My name is Natasha and I am the owner of nodashofgluten.com, a blog dedicated to all kinds of recipes. On my website, you can find classic dishes, vegetarian delights, creative snacks, Gluten-free recipes, and desserts – all proving that cooking isn’t as hard as it seems! With easy-to-follow instructions and tips on how to make your meals even better, I strive to help everyone become master chefs in their own kitchen. Come join me at nodashofgluten.com for some delicious fun!


Bubble Up Chicken Pot Pie Casserole (2024)
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