From supermarket to “famous c*nt”: Amyl and The Sniffers are funny, fierce, and fist-pumping - triple j (2024)

‘Worked at the IGA, now I’m famous c*nt.’

It’s unlikely you’ll hear a more hysterical sign-off to an album this year than Amy Taylor cackling her way out of Amyl and The Sniffers’ second album Comfort To Me. She’s at once relishing in her victory and taking the piss a bit.

It’s a moment that says so much about Amy, whose funny, ferocious presence has been vital to the Sniffers’ success.

Since forming in 2016, they’ve built a rep as one of our nation’s wildest live bands. Then, their 2019 self-titled debut album (one of the year’s best) helped make hard, fast and heavy pub-punk a successful Australian export once more while winning them the ARIA for Best Rock Album. They marked the *ahem* career high by turning the trophy (or at least a replica of it) into a bong.

As they once loudly declared, some mutts can’t be muzzled.

Amyl and The Sniffers have charmed so many because, whether they’re having a laugh or punching out lacerating garage riffs, they always mean it. And the band’s second album is no exception.


Comfort To Me, this week’s Feature Album, is a dizzying assault of searing guitars and mosh-ready nuggets propelled by a magnetic frontwoman barking emboldening statements you can shout along to.

If cuts like ‘Hertz’, ‘Security’ and ‘Guided By Angels’ don’t immediately have you reaching to crank the volume, you might wanna check your pulse

‘Get on my level or get out my way / Don’t bloody touch me, give me some space’ Amy declares on ‘Freaks To The Front’, which is a rager custom-built for the stage. ‘Everyone in this room deserves to have fun!’

It’s basically an ode to how Amyl and The Sniffers have carved an inclusive space outta punk’s historically male-dominated space for their fans - especially women - to own and thrash about in.

As the second track on the album, it’s the first sign that Comfort To Me is everything their first album was, but also offers more - lyrically and sonically - without denting that no-nonsense appeal.


Everything sounds more polished and present, from the engine-revving rhythm section of Gus Romer and drummer Bryce Wilson to guitarist Dec Martens upping his shredding game in some searing solos.

Working alongside co-producer Dan Luscombe (the sometimes-guitarist for Paul Kelly and The Drones, whose credits are all over Courtney Barnett’s discography) it’s a little cleaner without compromising the reckless spirit and middle-finger attitude.

They just sound better and tighter as a band, “because that’s what happens when you go on tour for two years,” says Amy. “You get really good at playing.”

While playing night after night on tour upped their synergy, the Melbourne four-piece were then thrust into some of the toughest lockdown restrictions in the world. And after spending months cooped up together in a three-bedroom sharehouse, Comfort To Me funnels that cabin fever into an explosive listening experience.

Being locked down also allowed Amy and The Sniffers to incubate and grow their songwriting chops.

This is still music to throw your body around to. It absolutely rips. But there’s more to sink your teeth into once you’ve waded your way out of the sweaty pit. And the biggest growth comes from Amy Taylor herself.

You wouldn’t expect the tough, hectic centre-of-attention at their live shows to show a softer side, but there’s a tender growth in her lyrics that belies the cheeky, bug-eyed stage persona she’s cultivated.

Wish I could love me for all of my flaws the way I love you for all of yours,’ she admits on ‘No More Tears’.


Security, will you let me in your pub? I’m not looking for trouble, I’m looking for love’ she sings on ‘Security’, which as our Double J mates perfectly expressed it: “manages something so few lyricists can: she makes a serious point without being too serious at all.”

‘Laughing’ is just as impressive. ‘I am still a smart girl if I’m dressing slu*tty/And I am still a smart girl when I earn my money Amy begins. She concedes she can be daggy, cooked, and a sook. But she’s still a tough, un-f*ck-with-able woman that refuses to be anybody’s punchline.

Everyone’s laughing at me, you can keep f*cking laughing,’ she spits.

But then a track like ‘Knifey’ can stop you in your tracks, disarming you with its honesty as Amy sings about how the only way women can walk safely home at night is with protection.

All I ever wanted was to walk by the park / All I ever wanted was to walk by the river / see the stars’.

Even when she’s being candid, these more vulnerable moments don’t jar because they’re delivered with the same ear-punching attack as when Amy snarls an errant ‘f*ck’ or ‘c*nt’. It’s just matter-of-fact, and you can’t help but give a little fist pump to that.


Watch Mornings presenter Lucy Smith react to Comfort To Me for triple j REPLAY.

Amy never explicitly references the pandemic in these songs, but there’s no missing how caging a famously fierce live act affected her.

“I had all this energy inside of me and nowhere to put it, because I couldn’t perform, and it had a hectic effect on my brain,” Amy has said. “My brain evolved and warped and my way of thinking about the world completely changed.”

“Having to deal with a lot of authority during 2020 and realising my lack of power made me feel both more self destructive and more self disciplined. More nihilistic and more depressed and more resentful, which ultimately fuelled me with a kind of relentless motivation. I became a temporary monster.”

That manifests in the searing ‘Capital’. Between metal-leaning licks, Amy rattles through Australia’s deadly bushfire season, the stolen generations and changing the date, in the first minute-and-a-half alone. She did not come to play. ‘I only just started learning basic politics / Meanwhile they sexualise my body / I get mad when exploited!’


With COVID halting Amyl and The Sniffers’ global momentum, the band’s sense of purpose was suddenly pulled away from them. And for Amy, that forced her to find motivations elsewhere.

“I partied more, but I also exercised heaps, read books and ate veggies. I was like an egg going into boiling water when this started, gooey and weak but with a hard surface. I came out even harder. I’m still soft on the inside, but in a different way.”

“I just wanted to be a weird bitch and celebrate how weird life and humans are. The whole thing is a fight between my desire to evolve and the fact that somehow I always end up sounding like a dumb c*nt.”

She doesn’t sound anything of the sort.

In fact, she and the band have gifted us the kind of full-throttle rallying cry we could all use right now. A cathartic co*cktail of headbangers, Comfort To Me is a bloody comfort.

It’s like a reassuring pillow stuffed with pummelling riffs - wrapping it’s amped-up messages and dizzying power around you like a security blanket.

It unapologetically hammers you, but it’s got heart and honesty. It’s tough as a motherf*cker but it’s coming from a place of sincerity, not just blind rage.

Amy’s commanding howl and the Sniffers’ bigger, battering sound manages to convey what a lot of us have gone through in the past 18 months or so.

But it’s also ready to banish all that bad mojo, unleashing it’s pent-up energy with music you can bounce along and lose our collective sh*t to in the kind of show many of us have been so desperately missing.

Comfort To Me is out now. Amyl and The Sniffers will host a "one take" livestream performance of the album on 5 October. More info in triple j music news.

From supermarket to “famous c*nt”: Amyl and The Sniffers are funny, fierce, and fist-pumping - triple j (2024)
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