Lost and Found - imadumdumjewel (2024)

Chapter Text

Simultaneously…in the dining room...

Jade: Crystal Ball… please tell me what will happen next…

Puppycorn: ARRGGGGHHH, you are such a drab amateur, Jade!!! Let me show you how it’s REALLY done!

Jade: Prince Puppycorn, it takes a lot of focus- -gets pushed aside- AAAH!

Puppycorn: -holds the Crystal Ball into the air- Crystal Ball! TELL ME YOUR SECREEEEETS!!!

Unikitty: URGE IT HARDER, LIL BRO!!!!! -lighting up firecrackers to amp up the mood- BLACKMAIL IT SO THAT IT WILL SUBMIT TO THE ORDERS OF YOURS THAT ARE FROM A KING-TO-BE!!!!

Right after that, the royal siblings and Jade hear an alert from the television in the living room. Apparently somebody that is a friend of theirs has dialled them from overseas.

Puppycorn: HIP HIP HOORAY! Our blackmailing has worked on the crystal ball!

Jade: -snatches the Crystal Ball- Give me that! You almost shattered it! Anyway, we got a message from Oogai Town, Japan.

The three of them go to the living room, and accept the call...turns out it is from… Well, it looks like a dark place, but there’s some light in the corner. Two voices are heard. It doesn’t take long before the three know who those voices belong to.

Regina: Are you sure? Is it true?

Mana: Of course, Regina! I’m staunch that they’re going to welcome us with a warm embrace!

Regina: Aren’t we going to bring the others?

Mana: Not this time. Rikka is busy with her internship, Alice has a business meeting, and Aguri? Hmmm, middle or high school entrance exams?

Regina: One or the other. Plus, Makoto is on a grand tour now.

Jade: What is going on… -she shouts- Hello?!

Mana: Who said that?

Regina: -startled- EEEEP??? Mana! That voice came from your pocket!

Mana: What? -she suddenly realizes-... Oh my!!! -the camera suddenly gets pulled out-

Jade, Unikitty, and Puppycorn realize that they were looking through Mana’s phone camera… from her pocket.

Unikitty: Ayeeeee, pinky lovely girl!!! -waves-

Mana: Hi everyone-oh. It’s just you three.

Puppycorn: The others have been caught up in some other serious businesses now. And those core five even distance from us because they are having a blabbering personal talk. Bleh! -sticks out his tongue and blows a raspberry-

Jade: Soooo why have you dialed us?

Mana: I didn’t dial you!

Sharuru: Hang on-sharu… I think you butt-dialed them, Mana!

Mana: Eh?!

Regina tries not to laugh.

Regina: Pffft! BUTT-dialed! Hehehehehe!

Mana: Oh, how silly of me!

Jade: Still, don’t beat around the bush already...get straight to your purpose.

Mana: -straightens up- Ahem, actually, it is about...ahem...hey Regina, remember when there was an international news of a peculiar wolfdog that died by sacrificing himself from a collapsing bridge to save his wife and daughter as well as his...owner? You know, in America? I mean, the anniversary of this incident is arriving soon, and we are eager to visit this nation as a tribute to him.

Jade: Is that… is that necessary? Why are you going out of your way to do this-

Mana: Because I’m willing to help ANYONE!

Sharuru: Typical Mana-sharu.

Regina: Besides, we wanna check out if the wolfdog is doing well-

Jade: I’m not sure about this. Especially if Raven is comfortable with you coming over just for this one purpose.

Mana: Wait. Why is Raven pertaining to that?

Unikitty: You just stepped on a landmine, dummy! Raven will kill you if she hears you saying that in front of her! She divulged what happened and her relationship with that dog!

Regina; Wait, you don’t mean…

Mana: Oh… I see… um… Well, in that case! We’re coming over anyway! I’ll help Raven know that there’s nothing to be upset about! We just have to get over these things, while keeping their memories strong! I know what it’s like! I’ve experienced it!

Jade: Mana-

Mana: Gotta go make preparations! Bye! -cuts off-

Jade: Mana!!! -groans- As if it isn’t bad enough that Raven is wallowing in the loss of her childhood due to being motherless… Now Mana and Regina are gonna come in to remind her of a lost pet of hers!

Puppycorn: That’s a bad thing?

Jade: Of course it is! Don’t you know Dusky is a large portion of her heart? Remember the poignancy when she revealed to you kids about him?

Puppycorn: Oh yeah! I have the memory of a goldfish!

Jade: At this point, I’m not even surprised…

Before we resume to Sunset, Skywynne and Peridot’s plan to cheer Raven up...let us, SodorBrony and Jewelswirlix guide you to a mysterious realm beyond the physical plane first.

SodorBrony: It’s called the Spirit Realm. Lots of media portray it in different ways.

Jewelswirlix: Many mistake that it is haunted by ghouls and ghosts, but technically those are wrong rumours. Instead…

SodorBrony: Not rumors. Just different media portraying the realm in all sorts of ways. Good and bad. To put it simply, the Spirit Realm is a place where spirits of many species are gathered after death.

Jewelswirlix: As long as they didn’t commit atrocious crimes in their lives. Oh hey dude, look at that illuminating wolfdog! Is that..Dusky the dusk Lycanroc?

SodorBrony: Oh hey, you have a sharp eye, it is him! Okay folks, time for you to observe what is going to happen next first! Enough with our commentary!

A fairy appears.

???: Come back soon. I will guide you through this realm. -winks-

Jewelswirlix and SodorBrony: WTF was that???

Back to the action!

Sunset, Skywynne, and Peridot are now putting their plan into action by piling on top of each other. Sunset on the bottom, Skywynne in the middle, and Peridot at the top, acting as the head and arms.

Peridot: Super bulky desu…-panting restlessly-

Skywynne: Sunset, I seriously don’t think anyone will be fooled. Mommy has sharp eyes.

Sunset: But it is the thought that matters!

Peridot: -looks at her face in the mirror- I look pretty, at least-desu!

Sunset: See? Peridot likes it!

Skywynne: Oh boy...Mommy is gonna be furious…

The three then put on the dress and start walking around. Oh, I say “walking”? Actually! Walking is an understatement, it should be waddling around instead!

Skywynne: Woooah! Sunset! Go straight! GO STRAIGHT!

Sunset: I’m trying! … I can’t see through this dress!

The main five Titans are curious and confused by the voice of the three of them outside the room.

Cyborg: Errrrr...who’s whining out there?

Sunset: -whispers- Peridot! Start acting!

Peridot: -tries to sound as motherly as possible- Raven, my dear! I’m home-deees, I mean… dear!

Raven floats away from the bed and slides the door open, only to stumble back in surprise. Even the four others are astonished too.

Raven: What the hell is this?!

Peridot: OOOOOOH! Is that how you talk to me?! I’m your mother, deee---dear!

Starfire: I am… I am the confused…

Cyborg: What am I looking at?

Robin: Looks like a tall lumpy woman.

Beast Boy: What an abomination! I bet her ma won’ts be so...senile!

Skywynne: Sunset, this isn’t working.

Sunset: Tell Peridot to hug her!

Peridot obeys and suddenly hugs Raven, causing her and the two little girls to lean forward in an awkward position.

Skywynne: -pressed up against Raven- MRPH!!!

Sunset: Just keep acting!

Peridot: Oooh, I missed you so much, deeee---ar!

Raven: MPPPGHHHHH!!!! Can’t…breathe!!!

Cyborg: Can I just say… I’m frightened.

Robin: You’re not alone…


Skywynne: Sunset… back up! BACK UP!

Beast Boy: STAR!!! CHILL!!!!

Peridot manages to let go of Raven and tries to stand up straight. Clearly, this whole charade is going to fall apart at any time. In fact, it’s going to fall apart right now.

Starfire: -aggressively- GRRRRR!!!! You will pay for smothering Friend Raven!!! -pounces at the “woman”-

Peridot: EEEP!!!

Skywynne: OOF! Abort mission!

Sunset: Nrgh! I can’t! I can’t move!

Starfire has now descended into a blind rage, insanely ripping the dress into shreds. Thus, revealing the girls and Peridot.

Starfire: -stops when she sees them-... Friend Sunset? Friend Skywynne? … And Friend Peridot?!

Sunset, Skywynne and Peridot: -sheepishly- We’re so sorry… -they leave the torn dress and lower their heads once they find their footings-

Raven: What were you three doing?!

Skywynne: It was her idea! -points to Sunset-

Sunset: What?! You traitor! You still helped me-

Raven: Enough! Tell me what is the meaning of this.

Sunset: We just want mommy to experience having grandma...so we pretended to be her even though we know nothing about her…

Skywynne: We just wanted you to feel happy, mommy.

Raven: Look, girls...this is more complicated than you imagine. While I’m grateful for your honesty, I think you both need a bit of a time out. Loss...is something that is beyond your spectrum. And that...your act really frightened us, badly.

Peridot: Was I still pretty-desu?

Beast Boy: Scarily pretty, yo…

Peridot: Yay, that still counts!

Raven: … Also, where did you get the make-up?


Starfire: You three are the totally screwed.

One angry munchkin scene later.

Raven: Sigh, the wrath of Diana...they really would face it sooner or later. Surprised that Star did no negotiations here.

Robin: Star, how do you manage to withstand Diana’s anger on a daily basis?

Starfire: I do not know. Maybe it is owing to the writers who have bestowed me the endurance and abundance of love?

Cyborg: Okay, back to business.

Somewhere in the sky.

Mana, Regina, Sharuru, and Ai appear, thanks to the power of the Magical Lovely Pad.

Mana: Wow, so that’s Jump City down below?!

Sharuru: It is spectacular from a bird’s eye view, but I’m getting acrophobia here-sharu…

Mana: That’s not a problem, Sharuru! You can fly, after all!

Sharuru: Yeah! … I just realized-sharu.

Regina: What’s that?

The four of them gaze down, realizing they’re in the sky.

Mana: Oh…

Mana and Regina both fall.

Sharuru: MANA! REGINA! -flies down after them-

Ai also gives chase.



Sharuru: MANAAA! HANG ON! I’M GONNA SAVE YOU-SHARU! -she tries to poof into human form to grab Mana’s hand-

Except Sharuru can’t fly if she’s in human form… so now SHE falls too.



Ai: Save you!!!!! KYUPPI-RAPPAAAA!!! -heart glows-

Fortunately Ai’s magic manages to save the day. She levitates all three girls, JUST before they are about to hit the roof of the Tower.

Mana: -cramping midair- Phmmpppp.... arrpphhh…

Regina: -panting heavily- … Mana. If you become the Prime Minister, can you PLEASE outlaw gravity?

Mana: I don’t know if I can.

Sharuru: -reverts back to fairy form- I think I wet myself-sharu…


Unikitty: -offscreen- Heyoooooo, who’s the noise up there?

As Ai sets the two girls on their feet, Unikitty makes her way to the roof.

Unikitty: So you guys have arrived for the commemoration of the wolfdog! But it is best NOT to alert Raven about it, or else she will go ballistic!

Mana: Unikitty!!! -kneels down- It’s so nice to see you again!

Unikitty: No need to be super duper formal! I’m just your typical party animal!

Regina: So we’re in Jump City?

Unikitty: Correct~! Welcome! Now, first I’mma summon my massive clique! Wait a tick~

Moments later…

Luea: I wasn’t expecting this…

Ruby: Neither do I, but I like it!

Mana: Soooo let us get straight to the point! We are here for a commemorative tribute! For...umm...is Raven here?

Sunset: Mommy is… busy.

Mana: Ehhh? She is being a recluse or what?

Regina: Yeah tell her to not be discreet, please!

Skywynne: Actually…it’s hard for us to articulate…

Mana: May I go see her?

Nobody objects to Mana.

Again moments later…

Mana: -knocks on the door- Raven? Are you there?

Raven: -offscreen- Give me personal space.

Mana: But you can’t be so reticent forever! Come on. Let’s talk.

Raven reluctantly opens the door via telepathy. Mana then realizes she’s been sulking in her blanket burrito state.

Raven: You heard about that commemorative dog anniversary…didn’t you?

Mana: Oh wow. How did you know?

Raven: Because I’m fully aware of that day every single year.

Mana: Ohh ummm… you seem to know a lot about it.

Raven: Because that “wolf dog”... was mine. Until Topaz...directly and indirectly...snatched him away from me. That day could’ve been avoidable. And coupled with the fact that I just started remembering someone who has been missing from my entire life…

Mana: Who is that “someone”?

Raven: My mother. There. Now you know the reason. Can you leave me alone?

Mana just knocks on the door some more.

Mana: As your friend, I’m here to empathize with you!

Raven: What do YOU know? You have everything. Your friends, your parents, your grandfather, even a fairy. You’re even studying politics. Whereas I dropped out and lived this life as a vigilante. What do YOU know about losing a pet?

Mana: Everything. Because I once had a dog. His name is Marshmallow.

Raven goes silent.

Mana: I was only in elementary school when I lost him as he got run over by a vehicle. And later, I lost my grandma too. You know how that feels for a child?

Raven: … -unlocks the door- Come in…

Mana walks in, with Regina and Sharuru attempting to follow. Only for the door to slam in their faces!


Sharuru: Don’t be a baby about it… ow my nose-sharu…

While Mana and Raven begin their heart-to-heart talk…

SodorBrony: Oh hey, I recall that voice now. It’s-

The same fairy butts in.

???: Oh hi! I’m Bebel!

SodorBrony: AAAH!!! Don’t scare me like that! I thought you’re a mannequin for a split second!

Jewelswirlix: Ooooooh, it’s you…. from Doki Doki’s movie. You look cute-

Bebel: I’m in my 70s.

Jewelswirlix: … Oooookaaaaaaayyyy…

SodorBrony: Wait. Does that mean when we die, we become fairies too?

Bebel: I don’t know. But I’m gonna take it from here and go on a little tour of the Spirit Realm!

SodorBrony: WAIT! This is our moment-

Too late. Bebel has now stolen the spotlight… and our camera.

Bebel: Now, let an experienced and wise old lady guide you. Don’t let my cute appearance fool you. Here, you’ll find many spirits in this realm! -flies around with the camera following- Look at that one! That’s a Jewelpet! If I remember correctly, this one is called Pearl!

Pearl: Is that a camera?

Bebel: Moving on! -mutters- Poor Pearl though, she lost her semi-immortality due to a human’s avarice… -back to happy mode- Anyway! Look! There’s Michael Jackson! He’s Moonwalking!

Michael Jackson: Hee hee~

Bebel: And hey, that’s Michael Jelenic’s dad Berto. He’s making shrimps and prime ribs over there.

Berto: You interested in shrimps and prime ribs?

Bebel: Maybe later. Oh, here’s Marshmallow! You know! The dog from the MOVIE! Aka my family dog! -whispers- He’s still recovering after that clarinet incident. Be gentle. Oh hey, he is approaching another wolfdog? OOOh, never seen that orange wolf before, wonder why Marshmallow is interested in him.

Marshmallow constantly paws at the wolf.

Bebel: Hmm… hey, readers! I just realized something! This might be the same wolf dog that perished in an incident involving a suspension bridge… -looks to Marshmallow who is now resorting to jumping on the wolf- No, Marshmallow! Down, boy!

Marshmallow obeys and whines at Bebel’s command.

Bebel: He can be a little playful at times. I’m going to take a look at this wolf-dog first. -approaches the wolf-dog- Hello there! Want a pat, orange juice boy~?!

Wolf-Dog: -just yawns-

Bebel: … Trust me. Marshmallow would usually react to that.

Suddenly, Bebel hears some footsteps.

???: Dusky...is that you?

Bebel: Oooh, that’s his name?

???: Yes… Why do you have a camera?

Bebel: I borrowed it from the writers! -whispers- They’re probably still mad at me.

???: You want to know more about this canine called “Lycanroc”? Dusky is one magnificent creature…that belonged to my daughter...at least according to the latecomers.

Bebel: Your daughter?

???: She’s a vigilante. But she never got to meet me. It’s… a long story.

Bebel: … I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to tell us.

???: My only wish, I hope to meet my daughter. And tell her that I’m proud of her.

Bebel: Just like how I’m proud of my granddaughter.

???: Dusky praised a lot about her through telepathy to me.

Bebel: How come I haven’t seen you around here before?

???: Other spirits badmouth me, because of something… “rancid”...that resulted in my daughter. It’s not nice to talk about, because this is Deviantart.

Bebel: Wait, what deviant..art ? Is it one of those new thingies the kids are into these days?

SodorBrony and Jewelswirlix finally barge in.

SodorBrony: This site has been here for twenty-something years already!


Bebel: Wait a second! I wasn’t done with the-

Technical Difficulties. Please Stand By.

Back to Raven and Mana.

Mana: -places her hands on Raven’s shoulders, reassuringly- It’s okay! You have plenty of family and friends around you, don’t you? I know I do!

Raven: I won’t deny that your reassurance is what I need, but...sigh, my family is complicated. Even I normally can’t articulate that to my kids...because said “family” usually doesn't bother caring how desperate I want to express my burden to them…

Mana: Yours is that complicated?

Abruptly, a portal opens from a wall of the bedroom, much to Raven’s panic.

Raven: MANA! HIDE! -grabs and shoves Mana under her bed- Now hold back your breath and utter nothing!

Mana: HEY HEY! WAIT A MINUTE- -gets shoved under the bed anyway- OOF!

Raven: Shush! Don’t move! -quickly stands up, putting on her hood to act like her usual self-

Turns out it’s her overbearing father Trigon...with her younger brothers Russ, Lyle and Suge cradled in his arms.

Raven: -rolls her eyes contemptuously- Oh… hey dad…

Trigon: Is that how you treat your father now, Miss Independent? Are you a social-justice-warrior feminist? Or what? -he looks like he is going to spit at her-

Raven: No. I’m not going to be one of those SJWs on the internet that typically ruin things.

Trigon: -smiles- Well, good! Maybe you can look after your brothers, while I go golfing!

Raven: Again?

Mana: -trying to peek from behind Raven’s cloak, only managing to get a small glimpse- Who or what is that?

Trigon: Of course! I can’t be bothered!

Raven: Look, I’m a grownup now, meaning that I am supposed to have ample independence! I mean, don’t you see that I have a stable job, and a lovely family? I love my brothers, but stop acting like a goofy and most importantly irresponsible manchild who neglects his children! I can’t look after them 24/7! You should teach them how to take care of themselves! Or else there is no way they are gonna survive in this cutthroat competition in modern society!

Trigon: I have! I’ve been teaching them how “good is dumb”! Anyway, gotta go! Bye now! -drops Russ, Lyle, and Suge, then disappears into the portal-

Russ: But I thought justice is amazing.

Lyle: Daddy is refusing to look after us again…

Suge: Hi, sis!

Raven: -removes her hood- Huddle up, boys...Sorry about Dad being irresponsible as always. I have no control over him.

The three huddle up against Raven affectionately.

Mana: -from under Raven’s bed- I didn’t know you have brothers.

Raven: -clicks her fingers to shut Mana up with duct tape-

Mana: Mmm!!!

Raven: Now boys. You want to play with your nieces and nephew?

Russ: Yeah!

Lyle: What nephew?

Suge: We need an update!

Raven: Long story short, I wanted to have a third kid, aaaand yeah. You have a nephew now. His name is Eclipse.

Russ: So, that was what you meant by “pregnant”? But I didn’t see your tummy swollen up the last time!

Raven: I didn’t want to ruin the surprise. But yeah. I hope you’re happy. Now, I’ll join you later after having a private discussion with a friend, okay?

Russ, Lyle and Suge: -salute- Yessss madameeee~ -they all rush out of the room to play-

Raven: -once they’re gone- You can come out now.

Mana: -crawls out, then rips the duct tape off her mouth- OWWIE!!! Now I know how body waxing feels! Aaah!!! Who the heck was that red behemoth though?

Raven: That’s… my dad.

Mana: That was your DAD?!

Raven: I know. It’s not… flattering… In truth, I’m...half demon half human, hence a cambion. As Topaz always calls me.

Mana: That explains it. But I don’t see why I’m not allowed to meet him. I meet all kinds of people! I shook hands with Sharuru on day one of meeting her-

Raven: No. You do NOT want to meet my dad. Being cambion isn’t a walk in the park despite having all the perks I have now! Not only did I get discriminated against due to being deemed as rancid by normal humans who despised my lineage and parentage…

Mana: I’m sure he’s just misguided-

Raven: Oh. So you call my dad “misguided”? The same guy who enslaved so many different worlds? AND was the destroyer of Jewel Land?

Mana: Uuuh…

Raven: Yeah. I thought so. That explains why Topaz exploited you so easily. You are accepting to a fault.

Mana looks away shamefully.

Raven: My father is someone irredeemable. I know you see the good in people, but there’s NOTHING good about him. I used to imagine him changing even the slightest just for me, but...as time went one...my wishes failed me again and again. If only...I had my mother...to comfort me...to coo at me...to love me, during those trying and gruelling moments when I needed her the most. -she covers her face with both hands-

Mana: Raven…

Raven: I have lost innumerable things in my life, no kidding.

Mana: Now’s not the time to continue sulking. Muster your spirits back to good shape! My grandma once told me, if you feel sad, draw a heart on the palm of your hand! -she grabs Raven’s hand, then guides the other hand to draw a heart- See? Now all you gotta do is hope to see your mother again!

Raven: That’s...the symbol of love? I normally only regard it as a mere shape…

Mana: I do it all the time! Now, I hope doing this really enlightens you, as your mother, regardless if you have encountered her or not, will be saddened when she knows you are beating yourself up. Time to get out of this enclosed space and rejoin the others!

Raven: Yeah… thanks, Mana.


Milky: But m’lady-

Topaz: I’m not in the mood, Milky! -she nearly violently throws her knife at Milky-

Milky: I know you’re upset. But that’s no reason to skip out on dinner-

Topaz: After our last defeat?! I can’t rest! Fudge off, you little b! I want to be alone!!!

Milky: Yes… m’lady… -she sheepishly leaves-

Topaz then stuffs her paw into the stuffings of her pillow, and takes out a chapped yellowed photo.

Topaz: Back then, my life was so much better... Why has it become like this now?! Why?!

Turns out that photo has the figure of Pearl, the white cat-fox Jewelpet who perished ages ago.

Topaz: “It was just a phase”. “It’ll fade away from your heart with the passage of time”. Cliche. Cliche! Even Jasper hurt me with these pick up lines! If he’s ever my brother, he would’ve sided with me and said, “THAT HUMAN IS A FREAKING BASTARD, let’s give him the death penalty!”

She continues to stare at the photo of Pearl. She looks so happy in it.

Topaz: Why did it have to be Pearl? Why her?! Was her demise a premonition to me losing Alicia?! Why do bad things keep coming to me?! Why must I suffer?! It’s always ME!!!

She starts thrashing around, violently tearing pieces of paperwork and all kinds of scraps and garbage. After what seemed like an eternity of violent thrashing, she stops to take a breather. Her whole room is a mess. Yet, amidst all the garbage and scraps, the photo of Pearl still remains.

Topaz: -picks up the photo- I never wanted things to be this way, Pearl. You deserved better...What if…I avenge you by…venturing into… someplace to purge those hideous humans? -notices her encyclopaedia opened wide on one of the pages- The Spirit Realm?

This offers her an insidious idea.

Topaz: Yes… this is it…I could take my revenge there… and maybe… resurrect Pearl in the process! I’m the most powerful Jewelpet after all!!!


Lyle: Hello, Eclipse! -boops Eclipse’s nose-

Eclipse: Booo… -pouts and yawns-

Lyle: He’s not very talkative, is he?

Sunset: Nope. He’s quiet.

Suge: I still think he’s very cute!

Skywynne: Indeed.

Raven: -approaches Sunset, Skywynne and Eclipse- If only your grandma could meet you three siblings… sigh…

Sunset: I’m sure one day, we will!

Raven can only smile wryly. The others are quite concerned about her now.

Lyle: By the way, big sis! Who are they? -points to Mana, Regina, Sharuru, and Ai-

Raven: Our friends from Japan. Mana, Regina, Sharuru, Ai…

Regina: Mana… -whispers- She sounds…frazzled even trying to introduce us.

Mana: -whispers back- It’s a personal thing.

Sharuru: -flies up to the three brothers- Pleasure to meet you-sharu!

Mana: -signals Sharuru to distract them, then turns to the others- Maybe we should try something better to mitigate the double negativity Raven is feeling…

Luea: Yeah, she must’ve been affected by the commemoration and her absent mother…maybe…we should suggest visiting a place where she may find either one of them? Wait, I remember someplace…

Peridot: Somewhere fun-desu?

Luea: Um. If you want to call it “fun”, sure. It’s the…mythical Spirit Realm, actually. Not sure if we should have fun there, as it is where we should respect the deceased.

Peridot: Bruh, can’t we have fun with the dead, desu?

Luea: I mean… there isn’t any rule stating you can’t. But what would I know? I’ve never been there myself.

Ruby: You said you’ve been to a lot of places when you were dimension hopping!

Luea: I didn’t go EVERYWHERE.


Luea: -facepaws- You’re thinking that I’m invincible, aren’t you?

Regina: What’s so good about the Spirit Realm?

Mana: Never heard of it, but maybe! I mean isn’t her dog…ummm…passed away? She can find him there if that’s the scenario! That’ll cheer her up!

Raven: I don’t know, Mana. I think it’s best to just leave the dead to rest in peace.

Robin: Come on! Don’t be a bummer! Even if you are reluctant, I want to see my parents again!

Cyborg: -gasps- I just realized! We’ll get to see Berto!

Mana and Regina: Berto…?

Beast Boy: He’s an old friend of ours, yo! Also the dad of one of the TTG co creators! Too bad he’s dead.

Starfire: Come on, Friend Raven! You know you want to see Friend Berto again!

Cyborg: Is finding Berto an enticing incentive for you, Raven~? Besides, don’t you wanna utilize your portal? Or even maybe teach your kids how to use a portal properly?

Raven: … -sigh- Okay. Just this once, alright?

Robin, Starfire, Cyborg and Beast Boy: -in unison to the others, braggingly- See? We have known her for years and are still persuasive!

Raven: -incensed- YOU FOUR TRICKSTERS, conspiring to rope me into THIS?! -prepares her shadow fist-

Luea: -grabs Raven’s arm- I was the one who thought of going there! Not them! Don’t attack!

Raven: -shadow fist fades- Fine...I’ll comply anyway...as majority over minority.

She opens her portal, and everybody excitedly hops into it!

Regina: Ooo! I like portals! -jumps in- WHEEEE!

Mana: To the mythical Spirit Realm!!!! Whoohooooo!

Raven: -panics, and peeps her head through the portal’s hole- WAIT I HAVEN’T EXPLAINED ITS FUNCTIONS YET!!!

Beast Boy: What functions?

Raven: I have to be its wielder! Otherwise...you’ll be arriving at the wrong destinations!

Unikitty: Aw come on! What’s the worst that can happen?

Raven: Right in front of your eyes… this is...Azarath…

Robin: Um, haven’t we been there before? I mean…

Mana: This doesn’t look like a place of spirits.

Robin: No, this is Azarath… and it looks like we’re standing on a golf course- -suddenly gets hit by a flying golf ball- AAAAH!!! -flops-

Luea: ROBIN!

Trigon: -offscreen- Hah! I got a hole-in-one!!!

Ruby: Haha! You got hit! Hahahahaha- -she gets hit by another flying golf ball- AARGH!!!

Trigon: -offscreen- And that’s a Birdie!!!

Russ: So this is what Daddy is leaving us for…

Lyle: BULLY!!!!

Suge: WAHHHHHH!!!!

Cyborg: Woah, I thought you like it when your Uncle Robin gets hit-

Raven: Okay! Let’s go somewhere else!!! -new portal- This time, nobody is hopping into it WITHOUT MY INSTRUCTIONS!!!!

The others groan and sigh, but they oblige anyway. Except…

Sunset: Mommy, mommy! What if I experiment with mine???

Skywynne: Sis, I think we’re in a hurry…

Sunset: Won’t hurt to help Mommy! As I love her with all my heart! Now, DIP DOWN!!


Whoops, too late.

Somewhere in a stadium…

Makoto: Everyone! I want to thank you all for coming to this concert! Now, the theme of this very concert is...boundless love, and I have many songs that can fit it! Which one do you want me to sing first?

Crowd: -in unison- THE ONE YOU SANG TO REGINA!!!

Makoto: Oh….that one...haha~ well, I’ll sing it per your request~

Aaaand the Titans, the Jewelpets, Unigang and Mana and Regina and Sharuru (maybe Ai is counted) steal the show.

Dabyi: -backstage- EEEH?!

Makoto: -startled- Guys…?! Mana, Regina, I thought you two were supposed to partake in some foreign events and festivities!

Mana: Oh, hi MakoPi!

Dabyi: -backstage- SECURITY!!!! INTRUDERS!!!

Makoto: Dabyi! You’re overreacting!

Several security guards storm in.

Cyborg: RAVEN!

Opal: PORTAL! NOW!!! GO GO GO!!!

Raven: I’m going! I’m going!!! Don’t push me!!! -new portal- ALRIGHT! LET’S GET OUTTA HERE!!!

Sunset: Sorry Mommy!!!!

Mana: Byeeeee MakoPi!!

They quickly exit and the portal disappears, before the security guards could grab them.

Makoto: … What was all that about?

In a dark space inside the portal itself…the whole group is panting exhaustedly, frustrated that they haven’t reached their destination.

Jade: I almost had a heart attack…

Dr. Fox: I already had a heart attack!

Hawkodile: You gotta get some more exercise, if you wanna avoid heart attacks!

Robin: That’s not important right now.

Mana: At this rate…-sighs- We are never reaching that realm to see if it is real or not… -smiles- But, I did get to see MakoPi at her concert! Yay!

Sharuru: Except that Dabyi overreacted as she got high strung-sharu. She can be too neurotic due to having this job disease tendency thingy-sharu.

Raven: No distractions this time! We’re going to the Spirit Realm, and no hiccups! -she focuses her energy on the next portal-

This time, there’s a blinding flash…and whoosh!

They tentatively open their eyelids, and are stunned at the illuminations in front of them. It’s basically Glimwood Tangle from Pokemon Galar Region, but without the ummm…vegetations and mushrooms?

Robin: … Raven, what the hell am I looking at?

Raven: I don’t know, to be honest. This is the first time I’m seeing this.

Unikitty: Are there unicorns and pegasu-su-su-su-su-suses here?

Opal: Pegasai, Unikitty. It’s pegasai.

Peridot: The air smells nice-desu. I feel so calm.

Beast Boy: -takes in the air- Ahhhhh, refreshing! Like the stimulating [Censored because this is Deviantart] I do with mama!

Starfire: The repulsive metaphor… I am glad it is the censored.

Diana: How rude. Saying that in front of a lady, like myself!

Beast Boy: What do you want me to say? [Censored again]?!

Starfire and Diana puke in unison.

Luea: Okay okay, shouldn’t we be searching for our passed away loved ones? This is our only chance!

Ruby: Question. Do you even know where we are?

Luea: … -looks around, but doesn’t have a clue- Um. No I don’t. Uuuh... Okay. I admit it. I don’t know how to navigate this place.

Bebel: -steps up- Allow me to show you visitors around.

Everyone turns their attention to a fairy that just approached them. Mana’s face suddenly lights up.

Mana: Grandma!

Regina: Grandma?

Raven: Eh?

Mana immediately runs over and hugs Bebel tightly.

Mana: I didn’t know you were here, grandma!!!

Everybody else is confused as heck.

Luea: Can… Can someone please explain what’s going on? I think my brain shut down for two seconds.

Ruby: Uuuh, Mana thinks that cute little bunny-thing is her… grandma. Sounds crazy when I say it.

Regina: You never told me about a grandma.

Mana: Oh…um, ahaha, a long story. Even I dunno how she reincarnated into this form in the first place.

Bebel: -shrugs- I dunno how either, haha. Maybe some kind of selected few have this privilege.

Raven: I don’t get it. So when we die, there’s a fifty percent chance of becoming a fairy?

Cyborg: That means I get to be a half-mechanical fairy! Yeah!

Opal: It’s too early to think that, Victor. You have a long life ahead of you..

Bebel: Ok, let’s just focus on introductions. Yes, I am Mana’s grandmother. But my name, upon getting this form, is Bebel. In other words, Bebel is the name. What about yours?

And here comes a lengthy combination of introductions…while Bebel struggles to stay awake.

Bebel: -yawns- I must say. You made a lot of friends, Mana. I’m proud of you.

Mana: Thank you grandma~

Bebel: Now, time to follow me or else you’ll be lost here for eternity. Not that this realm is hostile to newly created spirits that are resulting from living people who…umm perished while visiting here, but still…Feel free to tell me specifically whom you want to find anyway, I have plenty of good connections here.

Raven: Well. I was wondering if I could see Dusky here.

Peridot: I vouch to sniff his scent for you desu!!!! -begins to track Dusky with her nose as she sleuths the atmosphere-

Raven: … Well? Did you find something?

Peridot: … Nope! But I do smell something else! Smells like mint-desu.

Raven: -facepalms- Peridot, why don’t you ever cooperate with me properly?

Bebel: Hmm! I have met someone called “Dusky” in this realm! Allow me to take you to him.

Mana: Lead the way, grandma!

Bebel: But first, a heads up. Spirits no longer have scents like they used to have during their lifetime! That’s why Peridot can’t track Dusky. Fortunately, as a fairy type spirit myself, I have a method.

Bebel then closes her eyes, and a faint but illuminating glow develops from her palms. She stands there for a minute before heading down one path.

Bebel: Come with me. Don’t stray off the path.

Luea: Ah that’s how a spirit checks another brethren. That’s an ingenious way. I must learn this magic!

Bebel: You only learn it when you become a part of this realm.

Luea: … Ah.

Robin: Actually, aside from reuniting with Dusky… I want to see mom and dad again… ever since they died in a circus act… -weeping noises-

Ruby: Crybaby.


Ruby: Well MINE is in a big heart gem thing! At least I know she’s there!

Jade: -gets in between- Enough! -looks to Bebel- How far is Dusky, Bebel?

Bebel: -keeps walking- Not too far from here. We’re actually getting to the place where many spirits convene.


Milky: Let me get this straight. You want… to attack a realm that we’ve never been to before…

Topaz: Is there a problem? Are you DEFYING me? I can ascertain that Pearl is there, and I WANT TO AVENGE HER and our other fallen brethren!!!!

Milky: I don’t know. I thought we were aiming for the salvation of our species. Not attack other worlds for the heck of it-

Instantaneously Milky gets slapped so hard, she falls to the floor.

Topaz: How DARE you speak against my intentions! Of course I’m aiming for salvation! This is for Pearl’s salvation! And to do that, we must show the spirits of this realm who they’re messing with!

Milky: -holding her red cheek with tears- … Should I gather a team of willing cultists?

Topaz: Good. -walks off while muttering to herself- It’ll soon be time to avenge you, Pearl…

Back to Bebel and the group. They’re all getting frazzled from the long trekking.

Regina: My feet are getting sore!!!!! When’s this torturous walking going to end?!

Mana: Regina. Did you forget you can fly?

Regina: Of… of course I didn’t! I just… I just thought walking would be fine! -blushes as she’s just remembered she has the ability to fly-

Sharuru: Complaining is useless anyway-sharu. Bebel, how many miles left...sharu?

Bebel: Look! We have arrived!

They come to a big open part of the realm, where hundreds upon hundreds of spirits are gathered.

Cyborg: Wow, it’s like Jump City during a festival! But without the festival!

Robin: Titans, scatter and find our parents!!!

Most of the Titans and Jewelpets scatter.

Mana: Hey! I thought we stay together-

Bebel: Don’t worry about them, Mana. Let them have their fun.

Unikitty: I don’t know what we can find here.

Bebel: Do you Unikingdom denizens have someone in mind?

Unikitty and Puppycorn: Nope! We’re clueless!

Dr. Fox: In other words, we dunno our birth origins.

They then notice a man with a pile of books.

Hawkodile: Why don’t we check out that guy?

Bebel: Well...hope he doesn’t get offended by your sudden presence. By the way he’s the very creator of the franchise about a sentient train and his companions.

Unikitty: I say we all check him out! Let’s go!

Most of the Unigang head off, except Master Frown.

Frown: I refuse to join in these antics- -Hawkodile grabs him- WUH?!

Hawkodile: You’re coming! -takes him away-

Richard: I don’t want to be forgotten, so if you feel the same, better tag along.

Bebel: -looks to Regina- And what about you, young lady? Do you have someone in mind?

Regina: Meh. Not really. I was born from a person who separated into me, Aguri and Ai respectively, so I don’t have a mom or any relatives except papa.

???: -voice from behind- Regina. Is that any way to treat your elders?

Regina: Eh?! -turns around, but sees nobody-

???: Down here.

Regina: -looks down to see another fairy- Who are you?!

Ai: -takes one look at the fairy and gets excited- Ooo, yay!!! Ange, Ange!

Bebel: Oh, I think you know her, Regina. That’s formerly Princess Marie Ange!


Marie Ange: I’m sorry if I don’t look the same.

Mana: Wait...no wonder you sound exactly like her! Ooooh wonder if MakoPi knows that you’re reincarnated-

Regina: Er, Mana. I have second thoughts about your proposition…

Mana: What’s wrong? MakoPi would be happy-

Regina: She’ll cry and moan for days.

Ai: Mhm mhm!

Marie Ange: Some things are best left untold. But if I must ask. How is Cure Sword doing? What about Aguri and Father Highness?

Mana: MakoPi? Being a famous singer going on world tours!!! Whooohoooo!!!

Regina: Sis is meant to be taking an entrance exam. And papa is doing fine with his retirement. And I’m still trying to be FABULOUS!

Bebel: Ah, boisterous, Regina. -chuckles-

However, before they continue their conversation, Bebel suddenly detects an anomaly.

Bebel: -startled as she feels a tingling sensation- This...can’t be…!

Mana: Something wrong, grandma?

Bebel: -the tingling sensation stops-... I have to go for a moment. Why don’t you go join the others, Mana?

While Marie Ange continues chatting with Mana, Regina and Sharuru, Bebel flies off to check if there’s any intruder at the entrance. And her worst prediction actually has come true as she peeks behind a rock-like structure.

Bebel: -gasps- The intruder...knows how to shatter the safety dome barrier?! Who are these people?

Back to the others.

Cyborg brings Opal and Io to meet Berto.

Cyborg: Berto! How’s it going, man?!

Io: That’s Berto-dachi?

Berto: Oi, brought some new friends, lad? Regale them with my shrimps and prime ribs!

Io: I prefer yakisoba-dachi.

Opal: I am feeling a little hungry. Thank you for the offer, Berto.

Cyborg: Just dig in!!! Don’t be shy!

While they’re digging in.

Robin: -tearing up lots- Mom… dad…

Ruby: Those are your parents?

Mary Grayson: Look at you, my boy!

John Grayson: Someone is growing to be a man!

Ruby: And extra annoy- -mouth covered-

Robin: You have… no idea… -wipes his tears- How much I wanted to see you again…

Ruby: Hey don’t get all mushy and such!!! It’s cheesy!

Mary Grayson: I see you got yourself a pet talking rabbit!

Robin: Mom. Dad. This is… -clears his throat- Ruby. But I prefer to call her “Snowball”. -trying not to look irritated-

The Grayson parents guffaw at Ruby’s nickname, probably finding it to be cute.

Mary Grayson: -pinches Ruby’s cheek- A cute name for a little white ball of fluff!

Ruby: Ow! Ow!

John Grayson: She may as well be another Grayson, too!

Ruby: -offscreen- No thanks!

As for Starfire, she gets to reunite with her father My’andr and mother Luadn’r…

Diana: My word, Starfire. How come I never got to meet… My… My’and… um… how do you say the names?

Starfire: They are not the proficient in the English language. So I will do the interpretation for the you via my mother tongue, Friend Diana.

Diana: Well, to introduce myself! I am the Earth & Jewel Land Ambassador of Tamaran! Diamond! But you can call me Diana!

Both of Starfire’s parents praise Diana in the Tamaranian language.

Diana: Hmm, yes! At least THIS royalty appreciates me, unlike Jade and Unikitty!

The two Tamaranians are puzzled with “Jade and Unikitty” and start giving criticism.

Starfire: They like your beauty, but my parents highness also remarked that you need the repairing of the attitude.

Diana: Oh, this again.

Over to Raven, her brothers, Beast Boy, their kids and Peridot.

Raven: So Gar, didn’t you say Elasti-Girl is your mom?

Beast Boy: She’s not biologically related to me, actually, yo.

Sunset: So are we looking for Dusky around here?

Russ: Yeah, this is getting boring!

Lyle: Not interested in Uncle Beast Boy’s biological mom and dad!

Beast Boy: Yo, I thought I is your Cool Uncle!

Suge: We have standards too, you know.


Beast Boy: -shouts to Cyborg in the distance- Who’s side are you on?!

Cyborg: -offscreen- I am supporting you but you really need to show your nephews something interesting about your biological parents too, buddy! -resumes digging in his shrimps and prime ribs- Munch munch!

Beast Boy is on the cusp of sulking now. Until…

Mark and Marie Logan: Garfield?

Beast Boy: -turns around in surprise- Dad?! Mom?!

Peridot: Nani?

Raven: Wait. Are they…

Beast Boy: Yes they are, yo! Mom, Dad, guess what? I’m a grown man now! Looks at my drop dead gorgeous wife, mama Raven!

Raven: -blushes- …I’m flattered.

Peridot: -protests- Unfair desu! I thought you should introduce your other best friend first desu! Which is me desu!

Beast Boy: Oh yeah. That’s Peri. She’s the best partner you can ask for!

Peridot: Thank you!

Mark Logan: Son, why don’t you marry Peridot as your second wife?

Beast Boy: That’s polygamy, yo! I can’t do that!

Marie Logan: But you are part-animal. She could be perfect for you.

Beast Boy: That’s… true… I guess…

Raven: -looks to Peridot-...

Peridot: What? -Shadow Fist- OW!!!

Raven: You are NOT replacing me!

Mark and Marie Logan sweat profusely and get all anxious.

Mark Logan: Your wife is very… violent.

Beast Boy: You get used to it. It’s a form of affection in her expressions.

Raven: -while her brothers help Peridot bandage her head- Yup! The best kind of love, even if painful! -plasters a teethy grin and a thumbs up-

Sunset: I think I like THIS grandpa and grandma better!

Skywynne: The other grandpa sucks.

Eclipse: Zzzzz~

Marie Logan: Awwww, come here to grandma~ -snuggles all three children-

Sunset: Careful, our little brother is sleeping.

Skywynne: At least his crying isn’t so bad!

Sunset: Shhhh!

Russ, Lyle, and Suge: HEY! WE WANNA HUG TOO!

Group hug!

Beast Boy: -sheds a tear- Awwww, so cute. Wish I got more hugs back then when I was a widdle liddle kid.

Raven: -smiles wryly- Be grateful that you had more than mine.

Peridot: I got tons of hugs from Luna and Milky-desu! …I miss Milky-desu.

Mark Logan: -once hugging is done- There is something we want to say.

Raven: What’s that?

Marie Logan: There’s this lone woman shrouded in white garment, and always accompanied with an orange wolfdog with green irises.

Raven: Orange wolfdog… green irises… that’s Dusky! But… Why is he hanging around with a woman he doesn’t know?

Mark Logan: No idea. This lady often keeps to herself. She doesn’t convene with other spirits a lot. Not even with Bebel.

Marie Logan: Apparently it’s rumoured that…she’s tarnished by a devil, so… It’s said that she doesn’t deserve to be in this realm.

Raven: Poor lady…she…is just…like me. Considering I was born into a life with demons.

Awkward silence.

Beast Boy: … Hey, don’t worry! Mama ain’t no proper demon! -mutters- Even if she nearly killed us as a demon a couple of times. -smiles- But she’s improved! She’s got superpowers and can fight bad guys! -does a few Kung Fu moves- HWAH! YAH- -crack-... -he falls over- AAAAUUUUGH!!!

Raven: Um… excuse us…

Luea, Apatita, Shikamarokun, Angela, and Jade are out exploring and meeting spirits from all walks of life.

Jade: That Michael Jackson guy was… interesting… is it true he had an untimely death?

Luea: Well, he died due to a medical mistake of some sort. I remember the doctor who was involved got punished for that.

Apatita: I’m more interested in Takashi Yanase. You know, the very creator of Anpanman.

Shikamarokun: Classic. All those sentient deers in Nara wouldn’t stop blabbering about him! Good old Japanese days.

Angela: I prefer someone with a big heart, such as the nun Mother Teresa-paca.

Pearl: Mother Teresa is nice, isn’t she?

The five stop and suddenly get startled badly, all huddled up upon seeing Pearl…except for Shikamarokun who’s just plain easygoing.

Angela: PACAAAAA!!!

Apatita: IT’S A GHOST!!!!!

Luea: -pulls out a cross- WARD OFF THE GHOST, HOLY CROSS!!!

Jade: -has some Japanese charm- BEGONE, EVIL SPIRIT! BEGONE!!!

Shikamarokun: … Hi. Want some deer crackers?

Pearl: -sweats profusely- Uuuuh… I’m a cat-fox.

Shikamarokun: They’re still pretty good.




Jade: -has already fainted-

Pearl: Ermmm, I’ll restore your green friend’s spirit first…

Shikamarokun: No, she’s not dead. She’s just fainted.

Luea: How are you being so chill about this?!

Shikamarokun: You married me for that, you know.


Shikamarokun: I can tell she’s not a ghost. Besides, you told me that ghosts are doomed evil spirits that are stuck in hell. So definitely NOT her, duh…

Angela: -panting- Okay… so not a ghost?

Pearl: I’m a spirit, just like every other spirit here.

Angela: … Excuse me. -turns to Jade- Angelite! Jewel Flash!

A bucket of cold water appears and dumps all over Jade.

Jade: AAAH!!! WOAH!!! -her fur is all soggy- What happened?!

Pearl: Sorry for the lack of introduction just now. So, you’re all my juniors then. Except for…stag guy?

Shikamarokun: E-yup.

Luea: You’re a Jewelpet… but I’ve never seen you around before…

Angela: …Actually I’m retrospect…we had heard of a myth in Jewel Land…mostly from Topaz before she had gone cuckoo paca. About her best friend, Pearl, who was slain by a human who got overcome by his greed.

Pearl: Topaz… -she looks down- I haven’t heard that name in ages.

Jade: -while being dried off by Shikamarokun- So… you’re Pearl?

Pearl: Yes. I am Pearl. The Jewelpet who was slain by a human. I was Topaz’s best friend back in the day. Back then, her mother loved her greatly, according to her, and gave her an impression that she wanted to stick with a human like any loyal dog does. Sadly, Antonio must’ve scared her, and I’m afraid that she still doesn’t know he has atoned for his mistake.

Antonio: -walking over- Pearl! You never told me we have visitors!


Pearl: -looks to Antonio- Antonio. These are my juniors. And this deer who is the nicest to me.

Angela: Hey, I’m very nice-paca!


Antonio: Pleasure to meet more Jewelpets, even after our “time”.

Luea: But how are you in this realm?! You murdered a Jewelpet… You have sinned.

Pearl: Actually, I want to remark that…what makes humans special is that their hearts are fluid.

Antonio: -sits down next to Pearl- After my trial, I was exiled from Jewel Land. But it didn’t stop there. Now returning to my village, I was disowned by everyone. I couldn’t go anywhere without people giving me the stink eye. Although this shows that humans can be harsh, it also shows that…humans do care about other species’ well-being after all.

Pearl: You’d be surprised with Antonio. His uncle is a priest. The only person that accepts him.

Antonio: Without my uncle, I wouldn’t have ever turned a new leaf. I attended services. I did charity. And I devoted myself to God, even going through baptism. While people still don’t trust me, I know deep down… the lord sees my progress.

Luea: Amazing…the almighty love of God!

Pearl: I wish Topaz understood that later in her lifetime.

Jade: Actually…it went the opposite.

Angela: It’s the reason why Topaz refuses to change-paca. She doesn’t understand that humans have fluid hearts.

Antonio and Pearl: WHAT?!

Luea: Allow us to get you up to speed… Topaz isn’t the “best friend” you once knew. She’s become a cult leader. Hellbent on eliminating humanity, and any who oppose her. I mean, even if you have a human form, she’ll immediately regard you as repulsive.

Antonio: Ah damn. I ruined a dog’s bright future! Damnnnn I suck ass!!!!

Pearl: -patting her partner- Antonio… It’s okay… she’s a dog, isn’t she?

Luea: That logic doesn’t matter anymore. Dogs only become loyal thanks to prolonged selective breeding activities actually.

Jade: Topaz is no ordinary dog. She’s a Jewelpet. We have the same free will as humans. Peridot could probably turn her back on Beast Boy, if she wanted to.

Apatita: Of course, it’s highly unlikely. But! Once animals like us have free will, things can spiral out of control when one gets traumatised…and gets NO therapy.

Shikamarokun: Ah yes, Jasper, her own younger brother, screwed up at that, as he forgot that therapy was an option.

Antonio: Screwed up?

Luea: Everyone looked at her as if she was overreacting, she said to me once. The biggest heartbreak she suffered was actually from Jasper too, who knew what Antonio did…

Jade: And I’m afraid that I have to reveal that Jasper screwed up again when Topaz wailed to him that she got rejected by a boy called Roman.

Antonio: Roman? He’s a childhood friend of mine. Lost contact with him until I came here. Didn’t know the dog he referred to me has been Topaz the Yorkshire terrier the whole time. He admitted that he should’ve told her about his fiancée sooner. The reason why he rejected her though…was due to the stigma. Not solely due to his love for his fiancée who’s now his wife of course…

Jade: … I may not look like it now. But I am Queen Jewelina, 34th.

Pearl: Eeeh?! You’re… the current Jewelina?!

Antonio: Y-you’re highness! -bows-

Jade: That’s… not necessary. Just be casual. I am merely trying to right the wrongs of our previous queens. In this case…fabricating a fake fantasy for their subjects and people.

Luea: The first queen hurt Topaz the most. Told her about a perfect world. That humans are hands on awesome. Told everyone at that era that “sadness is merely a transient phase”. And…

Jade: …And she didn’t educate Jasper well when it comes to…how to comfort a person. With that mindset that “sadness is a phase”, Jasper became unintentionally insensitive, and Topaz didn’t take that well as she didn’t expect him to say such harsh words to her when she experienced such sorrows. He hates himself due to that, as he loves Topaz greatly as her younger brother.

Pearl: Oh, Topaz… -sighs sadly- What have you become…

Luea: … Don’t worry. I’ve been on a mission to try and make her understand… even if it usually ends in bruises.

Jade: Yeah, I mean, compared to psychopaths who are born with that problem, I think sociopaths can be changed.

Pearl: I hope you can change her. I’m worried about her… as a best friend, I have every right to be concerned.

Luea: I promise… one day, we will bring her back.

Pearl: … So… what are your hobbies?

Luea: Eh? That was sudden-

Jade: Fortune-telling and being with my friends!

Angela: Babysitting-paca!

Shikamarokun: Being with my wife and daughter, tea ceremonies, strolling and nibbling deer crackers.

Apatita: Upholding the law. And bond with mom and the rest of the family.

Luea: You guys are so-... -sigh- Why is everyone changing the subject so abruptly?

Meanwhile, Mana and Sharuru meet up with Raven.

Mana: Oh hey, you found your dog boi? Grandma came back to me just now before going patrolling again, saying that Marshmallow is here! She even gave us these orbs to guide the way.

Raven: That’s handy, but… I think I found my dog already. -she takes a deep breath and whistles- Dusky! Here boy!

Dusky hears the whistle and ecstatically pounces onto her, rubbing his rock shards and mane onto her.


Mana: Aw, how cute!!!

Sharuru: He’s a big boy-sharu! -poofs into human form- I wanna pat him too-sharu!

Marshmallow emerges from the murky atmosphere and dashes towards Mana, affectionately licking her.

Mana: Mallow!!! You’re alright!!! Sorry that we have no biscuits, haha.

Sharuru: Dogs everywhere-sharu!!! I’m exploding with cuteness! -squeals-

Russ: -appears- Your fairy is weird.


Regina: -arrives with Marie Ange and Ai- Who’s a potty mouth?

Mana: One of Raven’s brothers, girl!

Ai: No no, no arguing!

Regina: Don’t get distracted! Let’s have fun!

Marie Ange: Dogs are fun.

The others arrive.

Robin: Oh wow, so you found Dusky!

Ruby: That’s Dusky?

Starfire: He’s the ly, the can, and the roc.

Diana: That doesn’t make any sense. -suddenly Dusky licks her- AAAGH! I’VE BEEN KISSED BY A DOG!!! I GOT DOG GERMS!!! GET HOT WATER! GET SOME DISINFECTANT! GET SOMETHING!

Cyborg: Bruh, he just licked you.

Opal: It’s a sign of affection.

Io: I don’t even know what affection is-dachi. But I like it!

Unikitty: -arrives with the rest of the Unigang- Hey guys, did you know that Thomas the Tank Engine crashed into the stationmaster’s house-oh! A dog!

Puppycorn: AHH AND AN ORANGE ONE TOO!! Looks like you’ve been replaced, Dr. Fox!

Dr. Fox: WHAT?! I’VE BEEN REPLACED?! NOOOOO!!! -down on the ground, sulking- I’m… I’m ruined…

Hawkodile: At least you’re irreplaceable to me, Dr. Fox.

Dr. Fox: -silent sobbing-

Richard: Prince Puppycorn. That was a little too far.

Puppycorn: I was kidding.

Brock: Guys, let’s just have fun with the dogs, okay?

Master Frown: -as Marshmallow bites his hoodie- … I can live with this. I’ve been through worse.

Mana: He likes you.

Ruby: Sapphie would love to see this- -Dusky grabs her by the ears- OW OW!!! NO, NOT THE EARS!!! I DON’T WANT TO BECOME DOG FOOD!!!

Everyone continues the laughter and joy with Marshmallow and Dusky, until…

???: The laughter of good friends. How wonderful.

Everyone then stops at the sound of the voice. Dusky then decides to follow it.

Raven: Hey, Dusky! Where are you going?!

The others try to catch up with Raven and Dusky, but soon they struggle and fall behind as Dusky is actually more agile than they thought.

Mana: He’s fast!

Regina: My legs…are broken…ahhhhh.

Sharuru: You can fly, you know-sharu!

Regina: Oh, that’s right! I can! … But I’m too tired to fly! If only I had those three boneheads carry me around.

Sharuru: You’re pathetic-sharu. Besides Bel is a mouse now. And all he thinks about is world domination and cheese.

Luea: Guys, let’s just give up. I’m thinking that maybe Dusky is doing that to show that he has something personal for Raven.

Everyone agrees, mostly because they’re fatigued already.

Mana: Not giving up yet! Mallow! Can you find Dusky?

Marshmallow dashes off.

Robin: Good… now we can finally stop and let the dog do all the work.

Then everyone slumps onto the ground and snores.

As for Dusky and Raven, not knowing that Marshmallow is following and tracking them, Dusky has led Raven to a secluded corner of a certain place, likely unknown to most spirits.

Raven: Dusky…bad…boy…huff huff… levitation… doesn’t…prevent…fatigue… -flops-

Marshmallow doesn’t run far, before he spots Dusky running back.

Marshmallow: Arf?

Dusky: Ruff! Ruff Ruff!

Marshmallow merely tilts his head, questioning why. Until…the mysterious woman shrouded in white shows up.

Robin: -facedown on the ground- Wake me up when Dusky is back…

Ruby: He’s back.

Robin: You’re lying…

Ruby: No, I’m serious. -points- He’s back! And he’s got Marshmallow and… “whoever the hell is that” with him.

Everybody looks up.

Cyborg: Oh, hey Dusky. You brought a friend?

Dusky and Marshmallow say nothing as they step back to let the woman walk through. She heads towards Raven.

Raven: Ahh…illusions…must be too fatigued myself…

Jade: I… I don’t know if it’s an “illusion” if I’m seeing it too.

Angela: Me too-paca…

???: -stares down at Raven-... It’s really you…

Raven: What? -rubs her eyes-

???: -gently holds Raven’s hand- … You’re… the spitting image of me.

Raven: Except that I have a bobcut…and a chakra. -confused-

Robin: Do you know this woman?

Raven: I’ve never seen anyone like her before-

The woman removes her hood, and silence falls among everyone as they see her purple eyes and long black hair. Raven widens her eyes in immense shock.

Raven: I’m part demon part human, and my human half comes from… -gasps-

Arella: … My name is Arella. And I am your mother… Raven.

Raven: -speechless- …

The surrounding spirits, as well as the rest of the group, are beyond flabbergasted when they hear this revelation, which soon spreads like wildfire. The news soon reaches Bebel who’s initially cautiously patrolling after knowing that the realm’s defence has been cracked.

Raven: You’re… my mom… but… why… Why are you here?

Robin: I guess that’s another dead parent to add to the list.

Raven: -trembling agitatedly- You...insensitive...unqualified… Ugh… I can’t do anything to you right now. I’m so… so…

Luea: Shocked?

Raven: BEYOND shocked...I waited for so many years, and this is what I received…?!

Arella: I’m sorry if this is not what you expected…

Raven: I thought… -her fists tighten- I thought I could have a chance to see you… while you’re still alive...Throughout the past few years, I had to grope all by myself when parenting tumbled right in front of my face unexpectedly...because I have no mom the entire time...and...and...every Mother’s Day…-sniffles-

Arella: … I suppose you want to know what happened to me.


Russ: And doesn’t care for us in the slightest.

Lyle: He even attacked everyone! Including our Cool Uncles!

Ruby: And your Cool Aunt!


Suge: It isn’t fair!

Raven: ONE MOMENT, HE CLAIMS THAT HE LOVES ME. BUT NEXT MOMENT?! HE TOSSES ME AROUND AND FIDDLES AND TWIDDLES WITH ME! NOBODY HAS EVER STOOD UP FOR ME!!!! MY “GRANDMA” AND “UNCLE” JUST INDULGE HIM!!! And...he made me separate from my adoptive sister for ages...and destroyed the place I wanted to migrate to...for fun…-on the cusp of mentally breaking down-

Arella: -carefully approaches Raven- I know you’re finding it hard to digest. In fact, you have been feeling that you have been owing your children and brothers...because they deserve a better relative…

Raven: Just… where have you been all my life?! I...just want to have a normal parent! Is that too much I am asking for????!

Arella suddenly hugs Raven close.

Raven: -taken by surprise- Huh? Why are you hugging me?! I deserve no hugs...if I have been the one that makes you suffer! I mean, I used to get a lot disparaged by normal humans because of my parentage...and-

Arella: If you did make me suffer, I wouldn’t even be here right now.

Raven: What...do...you...mean...mom…? -on the brink of crying, though trying to refrain her tears-

Arella: I do admit. Meeting your father may have been a mistake, but...you never are.

The others all sideline themselves, kneeling while inhaling and exhaling, wanting to hear what Arella is going to divulge without disturbing her.

Arella: One has to face their origins head-on. There’s no sense in hiding yourself away, as much as your father isn’t the best person in the world…

Raven: Not by a long shot...but...why am I born in the first place?

Arella: It’s… not nice to talk about. But the truth is...I met him when I was at my lowest point in my life. In fact, he disguised himself so professionally that I was oblivious to his true identity. I thought his form was authentic, until...much later.

Raven: … So what did he do?

Arella: -looks away-... Something so rancid, it’s the reason why some spirits say I’m not supposed to be here.

Raven freezes. She understood what her mother meant. Even the others are badly shaken at this truth.

Arella: At first, I was emotionally crushed. I was afraid of what the other humans might think of me, that I had a despised hybrid… and that you might not find your position in society as you grow up. I even thought of committing death...But then I knew, if I was going to become a mother… I will BE a mother.

Raven: … That’s exactly what I thought, when I had Sunset. I...was panicky. I was unprepared. I was scared that my life with my current mate would fall into shambles...I thought my adoptive family and my friends would abandon me because of the stigma directed toward me...I even thought of an abortion...until…

Arella: You chose to be a mother, no matter what.

Raven: … -smiles-... Yeah… I guess I’m not so different from you.

Arella: -smiles back- I say, you got your motherly instincts from me. It’s just that...I wasn’t strong enough to hang in there...because shortly after you were born…

Raven:...What happened?

Arella: When I saw your face for the first time after enduring all the pain...I was overjoyed with trembles. Nobody supported me, not even the doctors. But seeing you having a form that was like mine...I knew instinctively that you will always be your own beautiful person… And then…

Raven: Then..?

Arella: You were taken away from me. Your father wanted you. I knew this was bound to happen, as his desire is to have a successor as his vessel, but I couldn’t believe I was that weak that I had nothing to stop him… I never saw you again.

Raven: But...but you could’ve waited for me a bit longer…-almost crying now-

Arella: Not when your father is around… I didn’t know what to do… the only beautiful thing in my life was taken away from me. Once again, I fell into a low point in my life. This time, I wasn’t fortunate...and as a result I got postnatal depression that gradually weakened me badly over time… Thus… Here I am, because I couldn’t hang on any longer...due to my poor health.

The others slowly begin to tear up, wetting all their handkerchiefs, clothes and tissues.

Mana: Raven… -wipes her tears-

Arella: … Because of the rancid action your father caused to me, some spirits say I don’t deserve to be here. But...but...then...your wolfdog came to me when I was sulking, all alone. At first, he mistook me as you, and got a bit disappointed when I corrected him, however...He told me that you gave him love unconditionally.

Raven: -looks to Dusky, who sat there, listening to the whole thing-...

Arella: I realized, the reason I’m here… is because you have forged a bright path ahead of you. Thanks to all the family and friends you’ve met.

Raven looks to the others.

Luea: -trying to hold back her tears- You’re the best sister I could ever ask for… -wiping her tears some more- I’m not crying… I… -she suddenly grabs onto Ruby, and lets it all out- I just have sand in my eyes!!!

Ruby: Stop crying, you’re gonna make me cry!!! -sobs too-


Regina: This is making my heart hurt…

Everybody cries their hearts out!

Arella: And I want you to continue down this path. Not just for my sake, but your own. Because regardless of your species, I’ll always be proud of you.

Raven: Mom… thank you… -wipes her tears- I won’t let you or anyone down! -she immediately clings onto her mother-

When the two of them embrace, Raven can feel that the missing pieces in her memories are getting filled with her mother’s silhouette…

Mana: The love between a mother and child… It’s a love that goes BEYOND abundant love.

Bebel: MANA!!! EVERYONE!!!

Mana: -turns around- Grandma?

Mana’s expression changes to a look of horror as she sees Bebel all bruised and battered. She’s limping too.

Bebel: I only narrowly escaped during my patrolling investigation! Turns out the intruder ego destroyed our security protection was...THE INFAMOUSLY NEFARIOUS DOG!!!! And she has her goons too!!!

Bebel suddenly collapses, only for Marshmallow to catch her.

Mana: Grandma!!! Hang in there!

Luea: Nefarious dog… it can’t be…

Bebel: I’m okay… but you all have to get to safety… because...she has held Antonio hostage!

Robin: You are kidding me… -quickly wipes his tears- We’re having an emotional moment, and now the Eternal Angels ruin it! I hate getting my emotional moments ruined!

Bebel: Antonio’s safety is important right now…

Pearl: -runs up- I can’t bear to see him hurt! Can’t describe how terrified I was when I realized those glares from her...I never thought she had gone nuts…!

Raven: … Mom. I suggest you stand back.

Arella: -nods, understanding- I trust you. -she quickly gets back, while the Titans stand ready-

Suddenly, several cultists leap out from different directions.


The Titans, the Jewelpets, Mana, Regina, Sharuru, Ai, and Unigang quickly scramble in different directions too.

Master Frown: I was enjoying that emotional moment!!!

Ruby: You cultists are gonna pay for messing with Ruby ‘Snowball’ Grayson!!!

Robin: I thought you didn’t want to be in the family.

Ruby: Changed my mind. -tornado kicks a cultist in the groin-

Other spirits see the attackers and panic.

Rev. W. Awdry: My goodness! What is going on?! -one cultist grabs him by the collar- Unhand me! I’m a man of the clergy!

Topaz and Milky proceed to emerge from the shadows.

Topaz: So what, fake priest. I bet all priests are fake.

Milky: Ah, the sound of chaos. It’s a good sound.

Mana: I think it’s a horrible sound!

The two look over to see Mana and Regina.

Topaz: You two again?! -points to Regina- Especially YOU! A fake human who’s much more inferior than the average human!

Regina: Clearly you didn’t learn your lesson last time!

Mana: Why are you attacking this world?! They’ve done nothing wrong to you!!!

Topaz: … Milky. Show them.

Milky signals for two cultists to bring up Antonio.

Mana: Oh no…

Topaz: This man right here! He’s done nothing but sinned!!! He killed my best friend!!!

Mana: … Sharuru!

Sharuru: Ready! -poofs into Commune form-

Regina: Ai! Where are ya?!

Ai: -behind her- Ai!!!

Regina: Let’s go!



Transformation sequence!

Heart: Abundant love! Cure Heart!

Heart Joker: The unpredictable card of love! Heart Joker!

“Resonate! The beat of love! Doki Doki Pretty Cure!”

Heart Joker: This is… so awkward with only two of us.

Heart: Not the point! -she faces Topaz- It appears you lost your love, Topaz! I, Cure Heart, will give you a little piece of my heart! -makes a heart shape- Feel the Doki Doki!

Topaz: I don’t need your Doki Doki! So DOKI DOKI THIS!!! -fires a projectile-

Heart Joker: -summons her spear- Let it be heard! The roar of love! Miracle Dragon Glaive! -she then quickly deflects the projectile-

Heart: -immediately dashes towards Topaz, while Heart Joker has her covered- HAAAAHH!!! -she tries to kick-

Topaz: Pathetic, as always. -she decides to twist Heart’s ankle-

Heart: AGH-

Raven: Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS!!! -launches an object at Topaz-

Topaz: What?! -dodges-

Milky: That cambion again! -she attempts to engage Raven, but then is forced to shield herself from a Rising Butterfly- GRGH!

Peridot: Your opponent is me-desu!

The rest of the group continue to evacuate the frightened spirits while Peridot is occupying Milky.

Heart: -stands up- Thanks for the save, Raven!

Raven: Just part of the job of being a vigilante.

But Topaz won’t give up her pursuit, until she stops.

Topaz: Wait…

Pearl: -slowly approaching- Topaz…

Topaz: … It’s you… Pearl…

Heart: Pearl! Get back!

Pearl: -she doesn’t back down- Topaz… stop this, please… let Antonio go.

Topaz: B-but... he has murdered you!!! He doesn’t deserve to be in this realm!!! HUMANS ARE THE SAME AS HIM!!!! Now let me bring upon your resurrection!

Pearl: You came to this world to hurt Antonio and resurrect me?

Topaz: I just… I just want you back! I want to avenge you!!!

Pearl: You should know that a spirit must not be resurrected, because it will disrupt the cycle of this realm and ultimately lead to its explosion!

Topaz: I don’t care! I don’t care about the consequences to the spirits of this realm!!! I’M DOING THIS FOR YOU!!! IS THAT TOO MUCH I CAN ASK FOR?? Do you understand my prolonged pain and loneliness that have been plaguing me for centuries or thousands of years???

Heart: What a selfish thing to say!

Heart Joker: You’re worse than me! Or the Selfish Trio!

Pearl: But Topaz… I like being here. Yet, you’re shoving your ideology down my throat.

Topaz: What?! I came all this way for you, and this is how you THANK ME?!

Pearl: You don’t understand Antonio! Human hearts are fluid! He has redeemed himself after his exile from Jewel Land! I never wanted to see you become like this! HE doesn’t want to see you like this either!

Topaz: How dare you even mention Jasper… when all I want him to have is to be dead! I will resurrect you, whether you like it or not!!! YOU WILL THANK ME LATER!

Pearl: -sighs- You leave me with no choice. -she raises her paws at Topaz-

Topaz: -starts running towards Pearl to grab her- STAND STILL!!!

Pearl: Pearl Machine Gun!!! -unleashes a barrage of magic pearls-

But it turns out the barrage of pearls don’t even afflict an inch of Topaz, who has already achieved a metal type of body, or one that is actually more durable than metal.

Pearl: Uh?! -she gets pounced and pinned to the ground- NGH!!!

Raven: PEARL!

Topaz: I did all this for you!!! I’ve trained for YEARS for you!!! Now I’m the most powerful Jewelpet, AND I WON’T LET IT BE IN VAIN!!!

She proceeds to generate a beam onto Pearl to resurrect her. In the process, the whole dimension starts to shake due to the disruption of the cycle.

Robin: -while carrying a few fairy spirits- Now what?!

Luea: The dimension is collapsing! Topaz is trying to defy the law of the cycle of this realm!!!

Unikitty: Is that a good thing?

Dr. Fox: In times like these, we must… PANIC!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

Many spirits, as well as Unikitty and Puppycorn, join Dr. Fox’s panic spree.

Richard: This isn’t helping anything.

Back to Topaz.

Topaz: Yes! YES! My magic is working!!! I AM POWERFUL!!! I AM INVINCIBLE!

Simultaneously she has her other paw ready to disintegrate Antonio, who’s very petrified.


Arella: You’re wrong.

Everyone looks over to see Arella.

Raven: Mom! I told you to stay back!!!

At that moment, Topaz pauses her execution for Antonio and “resurrection” for Pearl, as she narrows her eyes at Arella’s physical attributes.

Topaz: You… you’re the one who created the cambion!

Arella: My daughter is never a “cambion”. She is a person. A human. Regardless of her powers.

Topaz: You’re still to blame, regardless!!! You created her!!! And she contributed to the destruction of Jewel Land!!! What more “good” can you bring me?! NOTHING! YOU’RE JUST THE WORST HUMAN IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!

Arella: To speak about my daughter like that… I won’t accept it.

Topaz: Why are you accepting her-

Dusky: -suddenly pounces onto Topaz, pulling her away from Pearl- RRRRRRRHHHH!


Raven: Dusky!

Marshmallow: -quickly runs in and recovers Pearl, taking her back to Arella- Arf arf!

Heart: Good boy, Mallow!

Topaz: My own kin betraying me???!

Arella: -cradling Pearl- Are you alright?

Pearl: Y-yes… but Antonio!!!

Heart Joker: Leave it to me!!! -she takes aim- Roar for me! Joker Dragon!!!! -fires a massive beam of light that goes into the shape of a dragon-

The dragon saves Antonio, cutting his restraints free.

Raven: -swiftly grabs Antonio- I gotcha! You’re gonna be okay!

Antonio: Th-thank you…

The spirits are enamoured by the heroics of their visitors.

Topaz: -manages to push Dusky off- If I can’t kill Antonio… then I will kill EVERY human in this realm!!! ALL OF THEM!!! -she points at Roman- YOU FIRST, BASTARD, for abandoning me!!!

Roman: But… I never meant to hurt you! I just didn’t say it earli-

Topaz: YOU LOVED ME!!! -she grabs him- YOU ARE MINE!!!

Heart: Let my feelings reach you! MY SWEET HEART!!! -fires a beam from her brooch-

Topaz: -gets hit, before she could do anything to Roman- GAAARGH!!!

Heart: If you truly loved him, then you should just let him go a long time ago! You’re the one being possessive here!

Arella:...Just like Trigon.

Raven: There’s no point in being angry about the past.

Topaz: You know nothing of my pain!

Raven: I KNOW IT! Because, in retrospect, we’re similar!

There’s a tension, as the spirits and the others are afraid of Raven potentially getting hurt during the process.

Raven: Both of us had once been presented with the same illusion, that the world around us was forever going to be awesome. I don’t know who presented yours...but Dad, or I doubt should I call him that way, fabricated a fake one for me, pretending that he would love me no matter what.

Topaz: So what, cambion?!

Raven: Until it ultimately fell apart as I grew up!!! I know yours had been shattered too, when Antonio made his mistake to Pearl...Mine was when he started to show his true colors unabashedly and I slowly learned to distinguish and discern it. I met so many people along the way, and they helped me understand the real world! It’s not perfect. But maybe that’s okay. Because perfection doesn’t exist.

Heart: -steps up- Perfection is merely a subjective thing. It’s like having love and selfishness. I can be selfish too.

Heart Joker: I know that hard. But this never justifies you to snatch away the precious things others hold dearly and could’ve kept longer. We already know what atrocity you had done to Dusky that shortened his life! When he could’ve been with Raven and his mate and puppy for way longer!

Topaz: Shut up… SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!!!

Luea: Look, Pazy, stop this “crusade” already. It’s eroding your mental health to nothing now! Jasper in fact has been wanting to apologize to you because he has been regretting treating your mental illness as a mere phase like your previous brethren!

Topaz: Enough talk!!! I WILL DESTROY ALL OF YOU! EVERYONE! THIS WHOLE REALM!!! -magic builds up around her- EVERYTHING!!!!

Heart: Love Heart Arrow!!! -summons her weapon-

Topaz: TOPAZ VORTEX!!! MAXIMUM!!!! -fires-

Heart: Everyone! Cover me as much as possible!!!

Luea: Altogether, everyone!!!

Everyone lends their heart power to Cure Heart. Even Eclipse joins in despite not knowing the full context.

Raven: This is the real power of what love can do!!! -she holds the Love Heart Arrow alongside Heart- Thank you for teaching me about that, my friend.

Topaz: YAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! -her attack closes in on everyone-


Everyone else: UNLEASHED!!!!!

Dusky and Marshmallow howl to cheer everyone on.

Heart and Raven fire a massive heart together that only grows bigger from everyone’s power. It collides against the vortex.


Raven: Real strength never comes from sole mastery, even though I mostly self taught myself tricks.

Heart: It also comes from the bonds with your friends and family! Isn’t that what you also had with Pearl?

Topaz: Uh…

The vortex begins to weaken, causing the Heart Shot to push back.

Topaz: RGH!!! WHAT?!


Raven: I’m sorry to say that, but it is time for you to understand that...you need to accept things if they are lost for real. Topaz.

Topaz: SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!

Heart: But when you lose something, they can still be a part of you! Except when you don’t feel content about what you retrieve! This is when the “found” aspect is lost forever!

The big heart gets closer to the terrier.

Topaz: No… NO!!! NO!!!!!!


Sparkles shower around the realm, amazing the spirits.

Rev. W. Awdry: Amazing. It’s like snow.

Marie Ange: Isn’t it beautiful?

Michael Jackson: -continues doing the Moonwalk- Hee hee~

Berto: I feel happiness.

Topaz: -collapsed on the ground, defeated-...

Pearl:...Topaz, my dear friend…-approaches her- I’m sorry it had to end this way… I never wanted it to happen…

Topaz: You… you ungrateful little hybrid! It’s your fault!!!

Pearl: I don’t know what I’d be at fault for…

Topaz: For being friends with a dead murderer guy! And abandoning me!!! It’s not fair!!! This is my demonstration of loyalty!

Pearl: But surely, we can start over... it’s not too late for you, Topaz…

Topaz: Once I end a relationship, I don’t turn back. And that’s final! No relitigation...

Pearl: … Topaz-

Topaz: Goodbye, Pearl… I will loathe you forever.

With that being said, Topaz teleports out.

Milky: The lady has retreated… -she looks to the other cultists- RETREAT!

Milky and the cultists immediately retreat. That’s it. The battle is over.

Luea: Phew, fortunately everybody here is safe and sound now…this place could’ve been obliterated coupled with innumerable casualties if we didn’t catch Topaz off guard quick enough!

Mana: -to Bebel- Sorry that we had made a mortal enemy that got you embroiled into this, grandma…

Bebel: It’s alright! Actually we spirits have a fast recovery rate. So look, I’m fine and dandy now!

Raven approaches Arella, Pearl, and Antonio.

Raven: Well, there you have it, mom… You met Topaz… not exactly the best meeting. This is what we have to deal with. And that it happened on the first time we got to reunite with each other…what a blemish…

Arella: There’s no need to be apologetic. Because this is part of the path you forged. And…

Raven: And?

Arella: While I do think it’s a bright path, compared to mine. It is also a dangerous path.

Raven: … Because I chose it. Sure, being a heroine isn’t the… easiest job in the world… I still feel comfortable. At least, more comfortable than I had been back in Azarath. And…

Arella: And?

Pearl: -whispers- I think she wants you to meet with her current family now.

Antonio: -whispers- Yeah this is the only chance you get to spend the longest with them before they encounter you again.

Arella shows an understanding smile.

Arella: Feel free to call them upon us now, my dear.

The others approach the four.

Raven: Mom. Let me… PROPERLY introduce my family. First, these are my brothers. Russ, Lyle, and Suge. Technically half brothers as they share a different mom I guess, but…they seem to like you at first sight now. And next is…Luea, my adoptive sister, who came to my life when I was a mere toddler. And…Apatita and Shikamarokun, my adoptive niece and brother in law respectively, they’re nice folks…

Apatita: I am the law.

Shikamarokun: We know.

Raven: And this green boy here. -drags Beast Boy next to her- This is my husband, Beast Boy. Aka, Garfield Logan.

Beast Boy: Wassup!

Raven: For my whole life, after being mistreated by Dad again and again, I almost gave up on men altogether. Until…he slowly grew on me, and…when we suddenly realized we had our first child, he…didn’t choose to leave me…for the first time in my life, I was surprised and moved that a man would eventually reciprocate his love for me…and here we are…with three adorable children…-kisses Beast Boy on his cheek-

Sunset: I’m Sunset! That’s Skywynne, and our baby bro, Eclipse!

Skywynne: I can introduce myself.

Raven: -nervously- Okay okay, girls, don’t get mad at each other…

Arella: -smiles- Being a mother of three is surely tough, isn’t it? But that’s also the joy of being one.

Raven: That’s true…as love in this world can be flawed, but that’s what makes relationships special to each one of us…

A surge of emotions suddenly evokes Raven a lot, just as Dusky approaches and licks her nose, before she looks at both her Lycanroc and her mother.

Mana: -giving Marshmallow some belly rubs- Love is what keeps us going. At least, that’s what I think. Hey Raven, what’s wrong?

Raven: -sniffles- It’s just that…Mom…I can’t believe…this might be the first and last time I get to meet you in person for the time being after so many years of waiting…-tears drip from her eyes- Why does a reunion with Dusky and you have to be so…emotional? Why does every meeting need…to have a farewell? -she finally bursts into tears and clutches onto Arella tightly with a hug-

Arella: I know, dear… I know… But you have a long road ahead of you. -hugs back- And even when I’m not physically present, I will always be at your side. You can think of me whenever you are alone.

Raven: … -wipes her tears- I know that… because I already learned that lesson with Dusky. I hope he can continue being your guardian when I’m gone...until the destined day when I will arrive here again.

Dusky nuzzles Raven affectionately. In turn, she gently strokes his head, reassuring herself that he is going to be a good boy as always.

Raven: I guess...it is time to say another goodbye…

Arella: Indeed… just like everyone else.

Raven looks to the others.

Cyborg: Wish you could come back with us, Berto.

Opal: The steak and shrimp was delicious… shame I won’t have yours again…

Berto: Well! Tell my son to continue pursuing his love for you kids! Haha!

Luea: Pearl, sorry that I have to witness you getting cruelly abandoned when I only know you for the first time, and that person being our former friend too…

Pearl: It’s okay, it’s not your fault if someone refuses to let go of the agony they are suffering…

Antonio: Keep fighting for what you believe in. Topaz can’t be too far gone.

Luea: Yeah… we will.

Starfire: My parents. I am to do the parting of ways with you.

Diana: I will continue being the ambassador! Because I’m fabulous!

Starfire: And...I will give Blackfire the firm lesson she needs, forgot to do the mention of that earlier.

Starfire’s parents both nod in approval.

Unikitty: I wish you could tell us more stories, mister! Those were great!

Rev. W. Awdry: My stories? You could buy them almost everywhere. You don’t need me to tell you. My stories live on.

Master Frown: Except that it now has gotten a disgracefully drastic reboot-

Hawkodile: -pushes Master Frown aside- We don’t talk about that.

Beast Boy: Yo, mom and dad! I gotta be the big man in the house, now! But don’t worry, besides my wife, my kids, my extended family, my friends, I still have my adoptive family the Doom Patrol to look out for! -mutters- Even though the Doom Patrol can get possessive sometimes…

Peridot: -sobbing- Farewells are always so emotional-desu!!! WAAAAH!!!

Beast Boy: Hey there, pea girl… -pats Peridot-

Mana: Mallow… I’m sorry. But I have to go.

Marshmallow: -whines-

Regina: You too, my original form that led to my existence. I can’t thank you more.

Ai: Boo...hooo...

Marie Ange: Don’t cry. Remember, you have a long life ahead of you. Especially with all of your friends by your side.

Russ, Lyle and Suge: A...umm…-struggles to find a way to call Arella- Can you...let us...consider...us...as your-

Arella: -kneels down to the three, patting them- Of course I consider you my sons. If you’re Raven’s family, then you’re my family as well.

Bebel: Aww, so sweet. Let’s have a group hug, as this will be our first and last one with you. Come on everyone, this is your only opportunity to express your gratitude to them. -she ushers the other spirits-

Roman: Guys, look after Topaz’s mental health when you finally retrieve her, okay?

Robin: No problem. We’ve dealt with her too many times to count.

Ruby: Fuzzy Butt will be okay! -whispers to Roman- That’s my nickname to her. Because she does have a fuzzy butt.

Robin: SHEESH, Snowball, don’t say that in front of a person who considers her as his friend!

John Grayson: Hey, now. Is that how you treat another Grayson?

Robin: But she’s not a-

Mary Grayson: Bad boy, Ricky. She’s basically in our family now.

Ruby taunts Robin who can’t do anything awful in front of his parents by shaking her butt at him.

Robin: -mutters- This is what my life has become.

Raven: Well… we can’t stick around for long. After all. We have a city to protect.

Mana: But right now, it is more about the commemoration that we are going to celebrate for one of you, with our friends!

Regina: Jeez Mana, don’t be subtle with who we are commemorating. -points at Dusky, who tilts his head in confusion- Be specific!

Unikitty: Does that mean “party”?

Raven: Not until I open my portal first… -her sight lingers on Arella and Dusky-...so that we can celebrate Dusky being a brave hero. -she opens her portal anyway-

Arella: Go forth, Raven. Keep moving forward.

Dusky: Ruff ruff! -wags his tail-

One by one, each member of our heroes steps into the portal, waving goodbye to the spirits. Raven is the last one to enter it, as she gazes at Arella and Dusky for the last time with some tears.

Raven: Goodbye…

With that, Raven is the last one to step through the portal.

Within a flash, the group feel that they have returned to Jump City, right at the city centre. And Kohaku, Trevor, and surprisingly the rest of the Doki Doki girls and fairies are anticipating for them to join the commemoration which is about to commence.

Mana: How did you four get here?!

Sharuru: Lance, Dabyi and Raquel too! I thought all of you were preoccupied-sharu!

Makoto: After you crashed my concert, I couldn’t overlook this.

Alice: Haha, silly Mana! Sebastian was able to track where you, Regina, Sharuru and Ai were going. And we soon figured to come here.

Rikka: Besides, I felt bad for leaving you behind when you were all hyped to honor a fallen hero. So yeah, I kinda got motivated by guilt! Haha…

Aguri: Sis. Did you eat any sweets while you were gone?

Regina: I had no sweets, I swear!

Kohaku: Now, stop wasting time and just straight up anticipate the parade of Dusky-koha!

Trevor: I have this professional new camera with a high resolution lens already prepared for the best snap!

Raven: Actually…

Trevor and Kohaku: Huh? What now? You’re bored out by the commemoration?

Raven: … Today is different. Because, I finally got to reunite with him in person again, and that he is now staying with somebody that has finally returned to my life that was previously incomplete.

Trevor: Um, that’s cryptic and vague.

Kohaku: I’m equally perplexed-koha.

Rikka: You two, in this case just let yourselves have your own interpretations. Sometimes you don’t need a full-on explanation on every subject matter.

Alice: So! Where did you go, exactly? Besides crashing Makoto’s concert.

Regina: We… went to someplace.

Mana: Not just any place. A place where love is infinite.

Sharuru: And we had to defend it from Topaz-sharu, but we got to meet Bebel and Marshmallow at least-sharu!

Alice: Aw, that must’ve been nice!

Aguri: Guys! Look, the crowd is pointing at the entering float!

Trevor: Chit-chat later, watch me make my precise snaps!

Everyone turns to see the large float entering the city center.

Ai: Float float!!!

Puppycorn: BARK BARK!!!

The rest are basically praising how realistic the float looks, but for Raven, she smiles at it before looking at the setting sun at the horizon. There, she can see someone she loves dearly… with abundant love.

The silhouettes of Arella and Dusky are gradually formed at the shimmering sunset’s light, smiling at her happily. She can feel like she is going to cry again, but not just due to the commemoration parade…

Raven: I finally found not only him, but also her at last… and I should be thankful for that.

[The End]

Lost and Found - imadumdumjewel (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.