Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (2024)

Ꮗ€♫◗☿ ❤️ ❤️

2,293 reviews2,229 followers

January 8, 2020

Possessiveness, jealousy and some major revelations!

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (2)

This book was every bit as good as I had hoped it would be. Every book in this series gets better, from Cruel King, to Deviant King and Now Steel Princess. Rina Kent published her first book this year and she will have published something like 11 books by the end of 2019. I think I have rated every one of her books 5 stars. I love that she has strong possessive men as the Hero’s and even stronger women who are not afraid to stand up to them.

I don’t know why possessiveness and Jealousy is so hot in romance novels, and so disturbing and controlling in real life, but I just love a possessive guy in a romance. In this book, Aiden is extremely jealous and possessive and way over the top about it. He even doesn’t like his best friends or his cousin to touch her. Though Elsa stands up to him and lets him know when he is out of line or she laughs at him when he is being excessive.

Aiden is a sociopath, so his bullying and then later his possessive nature can be explained by the fact that he doesn’t feel empathy and can’t understand why she would want to have male friends, since she has him. Elsa is aware that he feels something for her, and she also displays some jealousy and possessiveness towards Aiden. And though Elsa is more justified in her feelings than Aiden is, the jealousy is a bit exaggerated in her as well.

King has no filter whatsoever. He treats you like I’ve never seen him treat anyone else.”
“And how is that?”
“Like he wants to shield you from the world. I don’t think you even notice it, but sometimes, he looks at you like he can’t breathe without you. And believe me, that’s not the King everyone knows.”

The main characters are in high school, but this is definitely an erotic romance. The heat level between Aiden and Elsa is off the charts, five flames out of five 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Like I said, Aiden is a sociopath and he is extremely dominant. There may be triggers for some people. The love scenes are incredibly steamy and there are times when he gets jealous and things start out in anger. Though both Aiden and Elsa can’t seem to resist each other.

“I know I don’t take it easy on you. I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not. I can’t control myself with you, Elsa. I tried and it’s impossible.” He grins. “I can, however, run you baths and give you massages.”

Like in Deviant King, there are a lot of people that have secrets, mostly the secrets are about the period of Elsa’s life that her subconscious mind has blocked from her. The time before her parents were killed in a fire at their house. Also like the previous book, the reader doesn’t find out anything more about the secrets than Elsa. Elsa continues to have nightmares and she is remembering bits about the past as the book progresses, but she is desperate to learn what happened in her past and she feels that Aiden knows something but won’t tell her.

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (3)

The book also has the rest of the Four Horsem*n, Xander Knight, Cole Nash and Ronan Astor as well as Elsa’s best friend Kimmie. There is also a new student, a guy named Knox who transferred from another private school. Aiden’s ex hookup Ginger and his father Jonathan play big roles in this book as do Elsa’s Aunt and Uncle that raised her. All the supporting characters are well developed and add to the story. Everyone has secrets, some were revealed in the story, and some still remain. Of course there was a spectacular cliffhanger so now there are more items that need to be answered in the next book. 😲😮😬.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


    01-read-books-i-own bully contemporary

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️

1,929 reviews32.9k followers

July 21, 2021

I didn't enjoy this one like I enjoyed the first one.

Which is sad.

This one felt very...messy. And redundant. Way too many scenes felt like they were replicas of each other and the same push/pull pattern played out between Elsa and Aiden over and over again...the same set of circ*mstances, within similar scenes, with almost identical plot momentum.

What soured me the most though was Elsa's hypocrisy, which is hard to explain without spoilers and which I am too lazy to do at the moment anyway.

In short: this book felt like filler.

Everything that was achieved in this book (which wasn't all that much) could have probably been tacked onto book one or book three. Obviously, I haven't read book three yet, but I'm still fairly confident that will be the case. Frankly, this series probably should have been a duet (or even just one complete book...remember those blissful days?); but trilogies (and then later duets) were the trend at the time this was written. So I'm guessing this was stretched out in order out to hit that format.

Anyway, despite not loving this, I am still going to sally forth and finish the series. I am still interested in the story and I have faith the next installment will be better.

    2-stars alpha-male enemies-to-lovers


623 reviews606 followers

December 14, 2019

This book honestly made me a little embarrassed to be a women. For the fact that the heroine was a complete and utter moron, plus the fact that the author is an adult woman choosing to write her characters like this, and plus the fact that I’m an adult woman choosing my time to read this.

Literally the entire book was the h screaming, whimpering, and stuttering... and bending over whenever the H wanted her to. One of the most pathetic, obtuse, and one dimensional characters I’ve ever read. It was tolerable in the first book, and infuriating in the second. Will not be continued with this series.

    annoying-characters-plot dark hero-id-like-to-punch-in-the-dick


367 reviews209 followers

July 24, 2020

“If it were anyone else, I would’ve finished you. Is that what you want, Elsa? Hmm?”

Can you please stop threatening her. It's annoying and it happened many times that now it doesn't have any effect on me anymore.

She was right there, bound, and spread for me. She glanced up at me with tears,anger and fear in her eyes, and it took all my self-restraint to leave. Because at that moment? I was tempted to make her cry more.

How romantic, isn't it?

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (7)

She’s always ready for a fight.

This is complete bullsh*t. Every time Aidan touches her she gets horny and lets him do whatever he wants. I don't understand how she is a fighter.

He pulls at my nipple and I’m a goner. It’s like I can’t control my body when he touches me.

See, how she is always ready to fight him?

She’s the strongest person I know.

Yes, what a fighter she is. In the whole book, all she does is crying, whimpering, and getting assaulted by Aiden

The only good thing about this book is the plot twist and clifhanger at the end.


516 reviews2,361 followers

August 12, 2023


"I want to feel you, Elsa. I want to engrave myself under your skin as deep as you engraved yourself under mine.”

The characters and the idea for the story were great, i guess, but if it weren't for that I was interested in what happened to them in the past, I would just stop reading it.

Firstly, Elsa should really get a grip. I thought she will be a stronger character, but she is too submissive to Aiden. It’s kinda weird that their whole relationship is based on lust and that she can’t say no to him.

Also our main character Aiden, I get it the author gives us the warning about him, but the things this guy is doing to Elsa. He is literally the walking red flag. I love dark romances but it’s kinda funny visualizing 16 year old boy threatening you that he "will destroy you" ( it was in the first book ).

I will probably finish the whole trilogy and then the whole series because I am invested, and I love series about a group of friends.

    2-stars books-2022 genre-dark-romance

mel ☽

369 reviews10.7k followers

May 16, 2020

Devils can't be redeemed. Devils can only crash and burn. He said he'll destroy me, and he did. It's time to destroy him back.

first of all, what the ever loving hell was that ending?! i need to know what happens next! i can't wait for another month ugh.

so yes, this does end in a cliffhanger... again. but that's smart actually because i wanna keep reading this series.

this starts off when Elsa (h) found out that Aiden (H) was "playing" her the whole time and now she has vowed to knock him off his throne and finally win the whole game. but does it work? lol nope.

Elsa Quinn/Steel (h): traumatized, strong, desperately wants to know what happened in the past, trying to ignore and reject Aiden but she kinda has the "betraying body" element, though, i don't mind this because i don't hate Aiden and she's self-aware.
Aiden King (H): a Slytherin, still f*cking crazy and wouldn't be surprised if he was actually a sociopath, evil mastermind in disguise, and kinky af.

"Being enemies doesn't change the fact that you're f*cking mine.

anyways, even though i liked this i was just slightly disappointed because of some aspects so lets move on to why i didn't give this a higher rating...

nothing really happened in the first half.
i really thought it was gonna be Aiden vs Elsa but nah. Aiden just used his "charms" to win Elsa over and she kinda fell for it pretty easily. she restrained for a bit but again, "betraying body" and all that. but again, this trope was surprisingly not annoying here.

too much steam in the beginning.
i know, i know. you're probably wondering what the hell mel? this is romance, of course there's gonna be a lot of steam. yes, i understand but if the sex scenes start to feel like filler? then yeah...
i was looking forward to the story aspect of this book because of the major cliffhanger in the previous book but the first half was repetitive because all that happened was Elsa rejects Aiden, Aiden says no and makes Elsa horny, they have sex, repeat. this went on and on. some of the sex scenes didn't even have purpose or offer any progression to the story but don't worry, the story picked up in the last half.

the OW talk.
there were a lot of mentions about Aiden's past sex life and how he apparently lost his virginity to his dad's secretary when he was 15 and when he's apparently kinky af and did threesomes with his friend Cole. i didn't mind this as much but honestly, this didn't progress the story and not that important in my opinion.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

anyways, the first half felt like filler because of the repetitive scenarios but im so glad there were so many mysteries that came to light and i really can't wait to read Elsa and Aiden's conclusion AND Kim and Xavier's book.

and what is up with Cole?? he's shady as hell.

3.5 stars

Royal Elite series
#0: cruel king4.5 stars
#1: deviant king4 stars
#2: steel princess3.5 stars
#3: twisted kingdom3.5 stars
#4: black knighttbr

    assholes enemies-to-lovers ex-drama
December 11, 2019

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (11)
Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (12) 3.5 Stars

I am usually not a huge fan of one couple's story being drug out over more than two books. The second book almost always feels like a filler book, but this one was quite good. The story progressed nicely. There were a few good revelations that kept things interesting. Quite a bit of angst and hot sex, all good things. 👍👍

That said, there was also a couple niggles for me. One, I am VERY over the Silver OW drama. If the hero hadn't slept with her in the past, it wouldn't bother me as much. Two, the whole conversation about the hero's past sex life. I have been over the teenage manwhor* for a while now. The conversation added nothing to the story, and mostly just made me roll my eyes that some 15-year-old virgin would bend a maid (I think it was a maid) over a counter and go at her like he was auditioning for a role in a p*rn movie. 😔 Again, if the heroine hadn't been a virgin in the first book and had her own sex stories, it wouldn't have been an issue.

So overall, this was an enjoyable read. A couple personal preference issues, but I am looking forward to see how this all plays out in the third book! 👍

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (13)

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (14) BLOG | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | PINTEREST | BOOKBUB


447 reviews317 followers

July 18, 2020

Oh god Rina Kent you keep dropping bombs at the end of the book, thank god I don't have to wait for ths next book or else this suspence would have made me crazy!
Another stunning book, better than the first. The story continues with hate, deception and love. I'm enchanted by this wicked series.

Aiden and Elsa's romance is no vanilla love; there is deep possession and obsession. Elsa starts to have snippets of memories from the past, she needs to know the truth and Aiden knows something but won't give up the secrets easily. He can be frustating at times. He is throwing scraps of information not only to Elsa but the readers. At one point I thought to skip everything and run to the end of the book. I applaud the author to keep this book suspenceful. Aiden is sick and shameless and Elsa can't help but be attracted to him. Aiden's secret motives creates doubts in Elsa.

This book was absolutely thrilling. It has lots of sex, kinks and revelations of many secrets. When I thought I had enough of the books suspense the author goes and dumps a huge cliffhanger. On to the next book.

    2020-favourite-reads 2020-reading-challenge abduction

Sophia Triad

2,240 reviews3,619 followers

June 20, 2020

She thinks she knows.
She thinks she has an idea of who I am.
Truth is, she’s so f*cking clueless I’d pity her if I knew how to pity people.

    2contemporary-lovestories crime-mafia school

Rina Kent

Author48 books33.4k followers


July 28, 2020

STEEL PRINCESS - Aiden & Elsa Trilogy Book Two


This book is the second part of a trilogy and is NOT standalone.

Royal Elite Series:
#0 Cruel King
#1 Deviant King
#2 Steel Princess
#3 Twisted Kingdom
#4 Black Knight (Xander)
#5 Vicious Prince (Ronan)
#6 Ruthless Empire (Cole)
#7 Royal Elite Epilogue

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (18)


571 reviews262 followers

June 2, 2022

You’re so damn lucky I like you enough to f*ck up everything for you

Tropes in this book: sports, high school, bully, non-con/dub-con.

Yet another cliffhanger I didn't sign up for. I'd really love to get Aiden-Elsa's books but why does it have to be split into 3 different books, where do I get my funds from???? Especially with the new and pretty alternate covers.


The book continued from the previous cliffhanger where we found out that Elsa's parents are the cause of Aiden's mother dying. She also overhears Aiden's father saying:

The only reason Aiden approached that monster is to make her pay for her parents’ sin
which completely throws her off and she starts to hate him. She makes Aiden jealous and ignores him to her best ability:
After all, it takes a monster to destroy a monster
Of course Aiden wouldn't not retaliate back and he does so, sexually:
He thrusts a finger inside me, and I close my eyes against the intrusive sensation. “Hmm, you’re not soaking today.” He thrusts another finger as if punishing me. “Why aren’t you as wet as usual, sweetheart? Do you feel wronged?”
He makes me taste him. Taste what I did to him. This time, he doesn’t let me go. He makes me feel it over and over again
The more he does that, the more Elsa becomes weaker while Aiden doesn't give a sh*t about it:
Tears fall on my cheeks and my heart aches so much that I can’t breathe or speak. He takes his sweet time tasting them before he licks my bottom lip and bites it into his mouth
because it's one monster against another.

With all the drama going on, Elsa's nightmares start increasing and she gets more flashbacks and it brings out some violent tendencies in her:

There’s always been darkness inside me. I fought it. I denied it. The time has come to embrace it
especially when Silver tries to parade Aiden infront of her:
The urge to go in there and smash her face to the metal overwhelms me
and she actually beats Elsa into a pulp (good for her because I was starting to think she's just words). It's a constant push and pull between Elsa and Aiden because they can't stop provoking one another:
Break for me, sweetheart
and Elsa doesn't really does anything about it:
The side that takes without boundaries. The side that only leaves havoc in his wake
because she starts to have doubts:
Why does he f*ck me like he’ll die if he doesn’t? Why does he soothe me after my nightmares like he doesn’t like to see me hurt?

Aiden's possessiveness though? It's on a tier of its own. His words don't seem like it's out of a student to be honest:

"Being mine isn’t a choice,” he says in that scarily calm tone. “It’s a f*cking reality.”
You can fight me on anything, but you don’t get to fight me on the fact that you’re mine
and when he gets jealous?
He had his hand on her. He had his f*cking hands on what’s mine. I warned him. He didn’t listen. Now, he’ll pay
like I really want to get him jealous so he'd say those too. He knows the effect he has on Elsa:
I think you don’t hate me, but you hate how much you can’t hate this
See, your puss* knows it belongs to me. Your puss* knows that no one else will give it what I do, but you keep fighting it
“See what you do to me?” He buries himself deep inside me in one go
which is why he didn't stop and honestly? I don't want him to either.

His possessiveness aside, the way he dirty talks? *swoons*

I can’t taste you from last night. I’m taking my refill tonight
Do you think I had the time to think about a f*cking condom when your tight puss* was clenching my dick that hard?
And the way he f*cks:
You’re so f*cking beautiful.” Thrust. “And breakable.” Thrust. “And mine"
I know I'd be a goner if he did these things to me.

My favourite side of him has to be his jealous side:

Everything about you is f*cking mine so don’t push me into marking my territory in front of everyone
I warned you. I’m f*cking crazy when it comes to you
and he clearly put Elsa in her place:
You don’t get to put a limit on when and how much I get to touch you, then ask me to slow down
when I read this paragraph I was in heat:
"If you say that one more time, I’m going to f*ck you in a more public place. I’ll make the entire world see how much you hate me while you’re bouncing on my co*ck and screaming my f*cking name"
believe me I was in heat alright.

Before you think I'm only horny about Aiden in this review, I'll tell you that he also has his sweet side such as when Elsa had nightmares and he was there:

Getting me back from where? From whoever was trying to take you away from me just now
Remember when I told you that I’ll protect you? That includes the monsters from your nightmares, Elsa
and as the book goes on the lines of hate blur:
How can he kiss the same fingers that I just hurt him with? No. He’s not only kissing them. He slides his lips over each fingertip as if he’s worshipping them
because Elsa feels like a sh*t for scratching him during her nightmares. She feels that there's more beyond revenge between herself and Aiden:
We’re not there to be each other, we’re there to insert a piece of us in the other half
Aiden isn’t interested in mere parts of me, he wants the whole thing
I’ve been addicted to you since I touched you. I can’t stay away from you even if I wanted to, sweetheart. So don’t ask me to. Don’t even suggest it
Too much is craving you and not being able to touch you because you put a limit on it
I can’t and will never get enough of the feeling of being inside her. It’s a drug dose. It’s a sense of belonging. It’s finding a piece of yourself after years of separation. Elsa is damnation, but she’s also the only f*cking thing that makes sense
and Aiden knew he'd do anything for her because she was precious to him:
That look makes me want to rip my heart out and lay it at her feet
and who doesn't want a guy who's all in for you and only you???

FYI, Aiden has a cute side to him too, it's so squishable I just want to keep him in my pocket:

The fact that he watches me as I change my clothes is a different level of intimacy
What would you have done if I were on nothing and fell pregnant? I would’ve taken care of it and you. I’m not irresponsible
we protect all responsible guys to the end.

So pros aside, what are the cons? The first being Elsa - I couldn't understand Elsa's feelings completely because they changed more than the amount of times Kim appeared in the book:

Because the more I see Aiden, the more I’m reminded of his monster nature and the harder I’ll hate him

I can fight it all I like, but when he looks at me, everything and everyone disappears
Because deep down, that damned part that got me into this whole freaking mess still yearns for his touch
He’s the one who’s making a mountain out of a molehill. It doesn’t mean I feel less bad that he’s not talking to me
she frequently changed between melting for him and hating him: But if he thinks that will break me then he has a long way to go.
It takes more than that to bring me to my knees. I’m not a victim. I won’t let Aiden reduce me to a victim
not only was she confused, she made me feel so f*cking lost.

The second con is me being really confused at this part:

If you touch Silver or anyone else, you better be ready to rape me, then
because that is just so toxic. I understand there are dubcon/noncon scenes in this book but really what did I just read? Elsa asked to be raped so that she could hate Aiden for entertaining Silver? She must have left her brain in the pool she was pushed into at the end of Deviant King. I thought it was major red flags for me. Also, Aiden also mentioned he had sex for the first time when he was 15, though trigger warnings were listed at the start of the book: dark high school bully romance, mature new adult, and contains dubious situations that some readers might find triggering or offensive it didn't contain underage sex so I would like to state that here.

Aiden's past was literally mentioned 76% into the book and then the book ended in a cliffhanger. It was foreshadowed throughout, with bits and pieces thrown all over and we only got to know about it when the book was almost ending, not when at least 30% of the book was just Aiden and his sexual bullying. I had to go back and read it again to absorb it in for the next book. There really wasn't enough depth about the forever mentioned past.

And, I literally don't understand why people to go parties and wear their school uniforms, it's the first thing I take out before going out after school in the past:

Both of them wear Elites jackets
even Levi who has long graduated wore it for the parties like uh okay but what do you get from wearing that?

Overall, this book was slightly better than Deviant King plot and smut wise and I hope the next book is more plot focused because I can't only have 19228263840 smut highlights from the book.

Royal Elite ratings
Aiden-Elsa #1

    big-bad-bully high-school-fun rina-kent

benevolent bastard

471 reviews324 followers

November 21, 2021

I can’t stop myself from binging this series, that’s how good it is.



214 reviews370 followers

September 19, 2023

2/5 ⭐️ (.5 star for knox, .5 for Ronan and one star for that ending.)
?/5 🌶 (Spice was all over the book. And I was fed up with it.)

“You’re lucky, Elsa. You’re so damn lucky I like you enough to f*ck up everything for you.”

Pity i didn't like this the way i liked the first book.

This book in a nutshell.
- Elsa being angry at Aiden.
-Him not getting the hint. (Acting like a clingy ex... ifykyk 👀)
- He gives her the reason not to get angry and bullies her. Threatens her.
- Them getting together f*cking like bunnies
- Them f*cking more
- So much hate-f*cking happening
That's all oh and that twist in the last page of the last chapter.

MY main PROBLEM with this is a sudden change in Elsa's character, we see how dominant she is, her morals are clear in the first book, I mean not so much but still she fought okay and in this she volunteered to become a doormat, she is so submissive it hurt me to read this book. Like he was literally using her for his own needs, and I WAS SO DONE WITH THAT!!
She got jealous, whimpered, got horny cried and let Aiden use her- that's all she did in this book.
We got some insights about her memories and the past. Omg don't even get me started on ‘If you tell me a tidbit, you get to f*ck me.’ LIKE BRO GROW UP PLEASE I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!

Elsa was just- let's just say I want to slap her and ignored her the whole book ✋️
Why the hell do I keep having these murderous thoughts? I’m not the type who’s capable of hurting a fly.....!?

Aiden WAS SO BAD IN THIS ONE he felt like a bad boy straight from Wattpad! I'm not kidding. He was so good in the first book, being all that dark, mysterious guy. But in this, he used her for his horny cravings 🙄

“You’re lucky, Elsa. You’re so damn lucky I like you enough to f*ck up everything for you.”
ugh OK he might be good in some scenes but then him being horny was a BIG TURN OFF.

Kim was there but not as much as I wanted her to, but I love her.

“Like he wants to shield you from the world. I don’t think you even notice it, but sometimes, he looks at you like he can’t breathe without you. And believe me, that’s not the King everyone knows.”

RONAN YA'LL EVERY TIME HE SHOWED UP I FELL FOR HIM!!! Again, I can't wait for his book.
“Repeat it.” I cut eye contact with Aiden and meet Ronan’s playful stare. “Repeat what?” He pulls quotation marks. “Stop acting like an annoying, clingy ex. Say it again. I need to catch it on camera and show it to King’s grandkids.”
Wrap it before you tap it, mate. I don’t want kids running around at my parties. Mmmkay?
- he wrote this on a condom packets 🤣

Knox 👀 🤌 he's sweet but deadly. A honeybee that could sting but is so sweet HEHE I like him a lot.

Yeah, this felt like a filler. This could've been cut short, or only the last and some main plot filled chapters might've been in the third book. This should've been a duet instead of a trilogy. I skipped all that spice, so this felt super short for me🙄

Few quotes

“Buuut.”Ronan points a thumb at himself. “I lost my virginity first. Again, not bragging or anything, but they were all behind. I thought Aiden and Cole were gay until I saw their kinky sh*t.”
"Shut it, Astor.”Cole reprimands. My interest peeks. “No, tell us. Why would you think they were gay?”
“First of all, they never had sex in front of us. Never tried to hook up with girls. They were sexually dead, I’m telling you. But their dicks looked good enough in the showers. Not as much as mine, but still.”
“You spied on them?”I ask, incredulous. “Mais bien sûr. I needed to look out for my mates. I even told King to f*ck a guy or two and see how it goes. I was cool as long as he has sex.”

“You don’t have to be ashamed of who you are with me, Elsa. You can be a f*cking lunatic, and I still won’t let you go.”

“You know how rare it is to get dinner with Aunt and Uncle.” He revs the engine to life. “Did I say anything?”


Yeah, clearly. I am very much mad at this book.

    bored-out-of-my-mind buddy-read dark-romance

Fly FreeBird

412 reviews11 followers

December 16, 2019

Sex, sex, sex and more sex! It’s getting old man! Get to the goddamn story! Like what’s the point of this series? So many secrets but the author won’t give us sh*t! All she does is give us sex! Like give me a break. Who has that much of sex and just unreal. King made me f*cking hate the word sweetheart and come to think of it, what teenager uses sweetheart ??? Like who? This series had so much potential, and the ending to book one was sooo good that it got me crazy to know what’s gonna happen. And what happened was utter garbage.


728 reviews1,405 followers


May 15, 2020

My one looked like roses and dandelions compared to how toxic this book was. Everyone in this god forsaken book needs MAJOR help....including me as I download the next one because I need to know how it ends 👀

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alana ☁️

851 reviews1,113 followers

May 16, 2023

no thoughts no words just prayers for my mental state. is this series killing off my brain cells one by one? yes. but am i going to finish the whole thing? absolutely.

    boy-obsessed dark-mafia-romance enemies-or-rivals-to-lovers

⏃ : ✦ villainous_vixen ⏃ : ✦

777 reviews114 followers

December 5, 2019

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (27)

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (28)

*** 5 What are you hiding? Stars ***

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (29)

The Royal Elite series continues, and Aiden is a force to be reckoned with. Steel Princess by Rina Kent was riveting, striking, opulent and regal. A stunning masterpiece! Finally we have the continuation to Elsa & Aiden's story hat was full of drama, suspense, intrigue, love and deception. This series is not for the faint of heart. . . It’s dark, gritty, raw to the very core. Steel Princess is one hell of an emotional rollercoaster, that’s enchantedly wicked. Even after I finished the last page, Aiden hasn’t been far from my thoughts. He has been permanently embedded in my heart.

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (30)

...he wants to shield you from the world. I don’t think you even notice it, but sometimes, he looks at you like he can’t breathe without you. And believe me, that’s not the King everyone knows.”

Elsa has proved herself in Deviant King, that she will not bow to the king. She is in the game now, and won’t stop until Aiden is on his knees taking his empire right under his nose. Except he is always one step ahead. Her heart, mind and soul are constantly at war. . . Tempted to claim what is rightfully hers. Time passes and Elsa continues to have these recurring nightmares, and she is hellbent on finding the truth behind them. She knows Aiden is hiding something from her, but what?

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (31)

As much as I hated Aiden in the beginning of Deviant King and his shameless fascination with Elsa, thus resulting a game of cat and mouse. I was drawn by the enigmatic man. Cruel yet calculating he keeps her in the dark of his intentions, His secretive actions only create doubts inside her. Their moments together are fueled with hurt, anguish, and hunger after secrets are revealed.

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (32)

Rina Kent delivered a powerful and emotional, all-consuming story that left me obsessed and for more. If you're looking for a classic bad boy hero, with a broken heart and a tortured soul, look no further. This enemies to lovers, bully romance series is a must read! I am dying for the next book!

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    arc arc-from-author bully-romance


608 reviews30.7k followers

March 9, 2022

Okay so wtf Aidan.
Can he calm down and maybe show a bit of emotions starting with the first chapter.
I keep having to tell myself that they are 18 because they act like 30yo mafia leaders that rule the world.

a bit cringey

Simran .

Author14 books616 followers

January 10, 2022

5 ”Elsa and Aiden” stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Devils can’t be redeemed.
Devils can only crash and burn.
He said he’ll destroy me, and he did.
It’s time I destroy him back.

I just finished this book an hour ago and it blew my f*cking mind. It was so so freaking good. I didn’t expect it to get so much dark and suspenseful. It was a crazy wild ride and I’m pretty sure I won’t be forgetting it for a while. This one is so much more than a simple bully romance. I have become a huge fan of this author’s talented work. Her writing style is exactly what I love in my books.

”Then we’re over,” she says with more strength than needed.
I push a stray blonde strand behind her ear, taking my time to feel the warmth of her skin against mine.
“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart,” I murmur near her mouth, “Being enemies doesn’t change the fact that you’re f*cking mine.”

So many of my questions were answered in this part and I have a feeling it’s only going to get much darker and exciting. It was from dual POV. Learning what goes on behind Aiden’s mind was so intriguing. We got to see he has so many layers to him. He’s just not a cold, calculated asshole bully but a damaged person himself. His past has made him this way. All along he was trying to protect Elsa from her past, what he didn’t expect was for her to mean so much to him.

A genuine heart-stopping smile lifts his lips. “I’ll always come back for you, sweetheart. You’re a queen, not a pawn.”
Then he’s out of the door, leaving me to pick my heart up off the floor.

Elsa was a queen. Even with all the innocence, she has this dark energy which shows up at unexpected time. It’s tied to her past. We finally got many answers about her past with the help of her therapy sessions. It honestly broke my heart to see what they both have gone through. Their childhood was truly f*cked up.

”This is so f*cked up. This is so wrong.” She grips me tighter with every word.
Even if it’s f*cked up and wrong, she still wants me with every fibre in her.
My pace picks up and I hit her sweet spot over and over again.
She cries out, holding on to me for dear life. “Oh, my God, Aiden!”

Their connection finally made sense. Their souls are intertwined. It showed strength how Elsa stood up for herself and accepted Aiden for who he is and vice versa. Their sexual chemistry is still as hot as ever if not more. Every time is explosive between them. Their banter is always witty and filled with so much tension. It’s like a moth to a flame.

All in all I’m in love with all the horsem*n. Each of them is unique in their own way. The little glimpses I get into their lives just leaves me salivating for more. Cole’s silent intensity, Xander’s playfulness and sometimes seriousness and Ronan’s joking and funny ways. Kim is the best friend one could ever have.

The cliffhanger that the author’s has left me with was completely unexpected. I was honestly shocked and I can’t wait to find out what’s more in store for us.

Highly recommended this to all the bully romance lovers. ♥️

    5-stars abuse action-packed


61 reviews47 followers

April 8, 2023

I don't know how Elsa does it because that man is barely tolerable. And honesty, she's not much better sometimes. Aiden needs to shut the f*ck up and she needs to get a grip. They both just piss me off. I'm just trying to get through their books so I can read Ronan's book. And Kim's. Basically anyone but theirs.

~**Anna**~ A Romance Reader

625 reviews319 followers

December 30, 2019

So good!!! Aiden and Elsa are great together. I am really enjoying the suspense too. The ending caught me by surprise, I didn’t see it coming at all! I can’t wait for the next and final installment.


98 reviews1 follower

March 25, 2023

Końcówka nie spodziewałam się takiego plot twistu dlatego tutaj duży plus


436 reviews

October 1, 2021

+1 star 💫for the possessive hero
+1 star 💫 for the sociopath hero
+ 1 star💫 for the raunchy scenes

Sorry, Elsa, you lost points when you hit silver
,you committed assault.

I would totally get over it if they were in a fight but this girl attacked silver from nowhere just because she's a jealous, insecure person instead of confronting her boyfriend 🙄, she lashes out at silver because she was provoked. 🤨

Wow, didn't know that was a valid excuse to attack people.😤

If I attacked every person who provoked me ,a long life in jail waits for me.

There's something called self-control Elsa.

She didn't even apologize, can't sympathize with someone like that, I know silver was a bitch and bully but still doesn't make it any better.

If someone dares to punch me I will sue him or

hit him in the head ,Im vindictive like that.😈

Still i found this serie way better than other bully books i read.
Can't find anything good because it's all RH. And i don't read those.😓

    can-t-control-my-body-syndrome dirty-talker high-school

bo (hiatus)

152 reviews421 followers

July 21, 2022

rina sweetie, cliff hangers aren’t cool.

“I’ll always come back for you, sweetheart. You’re a queen, not a pawn.”

aiden and elsa, i seem to never get enough of them and i guess rk knows it too and she can’t get enough of them either that’s why she made a triology for them but i also think it’s because their story is too complicated for a single book i really love how the author connects characters to each other

“She stares up at me with dim eyes. “We’re enemies, aren’t we?”
“Then we’re over,” she says with more strength than needed.
I push a stray blonde strand behind her ear, taking my time to feel the warmth of her skin against mine.
“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart,” I murmur near her mouth, “Being enemies doesn’t change the fact that you’re f*cking mine.”

i dont know how to say anything about this book without spoiling it but i will try. the story continues from the first book. elsa doesn’t know who to trust anymore, and she believes aiden is still manipulating her. she keeps having nightmares about her past and no one is helping her to unravel that part about her life and she wants aiden to help her

aiden, my favorite dark and obsessive man fr, it’s all a game to him but he’s caught between playing by his father’s rules or his own rules. he doesn’t want to reveal to elsa her past afraid it will break her.

“It’s almost like he accepts me whole. Aiden isn’t interested in mere parts of me, he wants the whole thing.
And my heart nearly bursts open at his acceptance.
It’s like I’ve been waiting my entire life for someone to take me as I am and I finally found him.
He sees me.
And he’s not scared of what he sees.”

also the side characters are sooooo well written and i seem to fall in love with each and every one of them more than the main characters themselves (jk no one will ever hold the same place as aiden im so obsessed) omg ronan is my favorite he makes me laugh the whole time, xander's vibes are weird idk, cole omg i have a feeling he's going to be my favorite too.

and again let’s appreciate the king, my king

“He’s not only kissing them. He slides his lips over each fingertip as if he’s worshipping them.
“What are you doing?” I murmur through hiccoughs.
He offers an easy-going grin and speaks against my fingers. “Getting you back.”
“Getting me back from where?”
“From whoever was trying to take you away from me just now.”

“What if they come back?” I sniff.
“I’ll be here.” He wraps a hand around my head and places it on his chest like that’s where I’ve always belonged.
Like he can’t have it any other way.
We remain like that for a few, and I’m too tired to fight anything at the moment.
“Remember when I told you that I’ll protect you?”
I nod, my eyes starting to flutter closed.
“That includes the monsters from your nightmares, Elsa.”

“Elsa,” he growls in my ear. “Don’t push me. You know I go f*cking crazy at the thought of you with another man.”
“Levi included?”
“Every last f*cking one of them.”

“Why do you not want me around them?”
“I don’t want you around anyone, sweetheart.”

“I don’t care who or what you are as long as you’re mine.”

“What if you lose interest in me, too?”
“Never.” He flattens his thumb on my lower lip. “I’ve been addicted to you since I touched you. I can’t stay away from you even if I wanted to, sweetheart. So don’t ask me to. Don’t even suggest it.”

“I warned you. I’m f*cking crazy when it comes to you.”

“You don’t go out with other guys. You don’t look at them. You don’t f*cking breathe near them. Is that clear?”

“You’re lucky, Elsa. You’re so damn lucky I like you enough to f*ck up everything for you.”

“My Elsa.
She’s mine.
f*cking mine.
And no one will change that.
Not even her.”

Fre06 Begum

1,260 reviews208 followers

March 7, 2020

I was really hoping this author would lay off the whole “betraying body” trope which I SERIOUSLY LOATHE! Alas this trope was in abundance in this book and kind of dulled the whole point of the h suddenly becoming all strong and badass. I still think it’s the better of the bully stories I have read because Aiden with all his psycho obsessive attachment makes it a little easier to ignore Elsa’s sex controlled mind. Anyway ignoring the whole “betraying body” thing by Elsa this was an enjoyable read and for Aiden alone I can’t wait for next book.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    alpha-possesive annoying-heroine anti-hero


310 reviews224 followers

February 16, 2024

Ten tom to drama, r u c h a n i e I drama xdd

❤️ Nanda ❤️

740 reviews400 followers

July 7, 2020

❤️ Follow me on Instagram 💋

This book was intense...
Aiden is still a creep hot psycho and Elsa is still a hot mess of unfinished business and lost memories.
I still don't know who pushed her into the pool, or even a lot of WHYs, but that's the thing with trilogy's... They keep cooking you up for the entire book and in the end... BANG! Drop dead cliffhanger!
I liked the way the story was told, I like Rina's writing.
Aiden is still a mystery to me... He's hot and cold all the time with harsh words one moment and sweet nothings in the other.
I'm still trying to figure out his relationships with basically everyone in this book.
They're the four horsem*n, but they're not close or do things together as friends. This book was more of one stabbing the other in various stages.

Apart from that, I have enjoyed the plot. Elsa looking for answers and Aiden chosing her over his Dad, was really cool.
Hope that the last book tied all the losing ends.


Esse livro foi intenso..
Aiden ainda é um psicopata esquisito e Elsa ainda é uma bagunça quente de negócios inacabados e memórias perdidas.
Ainda não sei quem a empurrou na piscina, ou mesmo muitos porquês, mas isso é o que acontece com uma trilogia... Elas continuam cozinhando você por todo o livro e no final... BANG! Largam um cliffhanger de matar!
Gostei da maneira como a história foi contada, gosto da escrita da Rina.
Aiden ainda é um mistério para mim... Ele é quente e frio o tempo todo com palavras duras em um momento, e doces palavras no outro.
Ainda estou tentando desvendar o relacionamento dele com basicamente todos neste livro.
Eles são os quatro cavaleiros, mas não são realmente próximos ou fazem coisas juntos como amigos (amém de festas e escola). Este livro foi mais como um apunhalando o outro em vários estágios.

Além disso, eu gostei da trama. Elsa procurando respostas e Aiden a escolhendo por cima de seu pai, foi muito legal.
Espero que o último livro amarre todas as pontas soltas.

❤️ Follow me on Instagram 💋



404 reviews716 followers

July 25, 2020

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (44)

Devils can’t be redeemed.
Devils can only crash and burn.
He said he’ll destroy me, and he did.
It’s time I destroy him back.

This book took me on a wild ride and it blew my mind!! I love this series so much and Do not ask me about the ending! How can she just end it that way? It isn't fair!!
Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (45)


Elsa finds out that Aiden had been playing her all along and decides that she isn't going to be a pan in his game anymore. There is a lot of push and pull and angst between them and they both like each other but are afraid to give in.

Aiden didn't anticipate to like Elsa so much and fall for her. He's used to everything being under his control, so when Elsa storms into his life, he is intrigued and starts falling for her. But their past is catching up to them and its a whole big twisted web of lies and deceit. Can they overcome the ghosts of the past and finally be together? Or will their empire crash and burn?

“Being enemies doesn’t change the fact that you’re f*cking mine.”

I enjoyed this book so much and the secrets blew my mind. The cliff-hanger the author left us with was one I absolutely did not see coming and I cannot wait to see these two move forward as a couple and leave their past behind.

If, like me, you love a good bully romance, with a tangled web of secrets, this book is highly recommended!!

    bully-romance enemies-to-lovers favorites


784 reviews311 followers

August 12, 2022

3.5 ⭐️⭐️

Okayyy this was better! I was half through the book and I was already frustrated cause it was all the same and I was ready to give this at least 2 stars, BUT the last half is good. My main issue with this one is that even though we got some Aiden’s POVs I was super thrown off by his feelings for Elsa. One chapter he’s all “Oh she’s going down, i’ll make her trust me again and then break her” and LITERALLY the next one he was “She’s the one for me, I’ll protect her and bla bla”. I was confused by that. I think that transition needed a better and smoother build up. But after it’s clear that he’s all in for her, it gets really good. I really enjoyed their sweet moments and their conversations were so much more substancial. The plot twist at the very end was very good and I wasn’t expecting it!! I’ve been able to predict most of the things that are gonna happen but the last bit, damn. The cliffhanger was good and honestly this got so much better than I’m really reallyyyy excited for the conclusion of Elsa and Aiden’s story. Also, even if this had been bad, I would’ve jumped to the rest of the horsem*n books cause I just love them all so so so much. They‘re, by far, the best part of this world.

Steel Princess (Royal Elite, #2) (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.