What is Trello used for? Our fave project management software explained - Work Life by Atlassian (2024)

  • What is Trello? What is Trello used for?
  • Who should use Trello?
  • Is Trello free?
  • Where can you use Trello?
  • How do you use Trello? And how can you start?

We get these questions all the time: What is Trello used for? Who’s it for? And is Trello really free?

We’re so glad you asked. For starters, Trello is your software bestie to organize, sort, plan, and collaborate on…well…anything. Use it as a project management hub for a team of thousands, or on your own to boost personal productivity. Managers and team members can see the multiple steps of any project, and quickly assess tasks completed, work to be done, and see what’s been assigned to whom.

You can use it in a box. You can use it with a fox. However you use Trello, it’s going to give you, your organization, and your productivity an accurate, up-to-date, single source of truth across the entire work management lifecycle of any project. Dip into Trello anywhere you’re working. Use it for free, or go long and invest in fabulous features with Trello Standard, Trello Premium, or Trello Enterprise.

What is Trello? What is Trello used for?

Trello, made by Atlassian, is part of a suite of tools (along with Jira, Confluence, and Team Central) for project management, work management, and collaboration to get any project across the finish line. Trello’s look and feel are based on the principles of a Kanban board, a visual tool made up of cards and columns to track progress. Think of Trello as a digital, living whiteboard in motion.

All that said, here’s what makes Trello more effective (and fun) than an analog whiteboard:

Try cramming all that into a wall full of sticky notes!

Grouping Trello cards together for a single project creates a Trello board. Some prefer just one Trello board to, say, track their event. Others have multiple Trello Boards to manage different projects, such as multiple marketing campaigns.

Who should use Trello?

We may be biased, but Trello is truly built for everyone. Our teams use Trello all day for everything from an editorial calendar for this very blog, to sales funnel tracking, and to run more organized meetings.

We talk to thousands of people every year from companies of all sizes who use Trello in ways we’ve never imagined. And we shelve a massive library of quick-start board templates to kick off your own projects, including a customer feedback program, game design project, or team icebreakers.

For marketing teams, designers, sales teams, customer service, and engineering, Trello is your shining star. From a one-person to-do list, to small and growing businesses, to large businesses and whole Fortune 500 orgs, Trello is the way to wind up any project and make it go.

Is Trello free?

You know it! We want to share it with the world. Trello helps more than 90 million users around the globe (including 80% of all Fortune 500s) succeed, and we could not be more proud of them. Trello is for everyone—but for those who want more features, we have options:

  • Trello Standard grants your team as many boards as you’d like, plus more automation quota and super helpful advanced checklists to help planners get granular.
  • Trello Premium lets teams see projects on a timeline, as a calendar, in tables, or integrated onto maps—all huge helps for larger projects. In addition to everything that comes with Trello Standard, admins get more control over how users interact with boards.
  • For multi-level orgs, teams, and businesses, Trello Enterprise gives administrators one central Admin Dashboard to manage permission settings, security, and more organization-wide. Info can be shared as needed while keeping sensitive data locked up tight. (All Premium features are also included.)

Compare features and pricing for the free version, Trello Standard, Trello Premium, and Trello Enterprise.

Where can you use Trello?

Short answer: Any device with a keyboard. Think Mac or PC, cloud or local, desktop or mobile or tablet. Your Trello boards are available to you and your office/remote/hybrid team wherever you’re working.

Log in and you’re working securely with anyone from Tennessee to Timbuktu. Download the mobile or desktop app and work without WiFi when necessary—Trello will sync up later when you’re back in range.

How do you use Trello? And how can you start?

Easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy. Jumpstart your progress with one of our ready-to-use Trello board templates for projects like video production, risk reports, or inventory management, or start from scratch and make your own. Create a free account and you’re in the business of getting more organized.

And don’t keep a good Trello board to yourself! Add collaborators on the whole board, or simply @Mention team members on a specific card, task, or comment to share the plan and collaborate.

Your learning starts now.

What is Trello used for? Our fave project management software explained - Work Life by Atlassian (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.