17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (2024)

The Philippines’ largestbuffet restaurant is finally here in the Queen City of the South! Last May 10, 2016, Vikings Luxury Buffet finally opened its doors to Cebuanos at the North Wing of SM City Cebu.

Vikings Luxury Buffet is one of the largest and best buffet restaurants in Cebu and in the country.Fully committed to giving its guests nothing but quality food, exemplary service, and amazing dining experience, the award-winning restaurant (Asian Excellence Brand Award in Hongkong) has a carefully-selected buffet spread of over 80 dishes daily, and is run by experienced and well-trained personnel.

So what exactly makes Vikings Luxury Buffet a cut above the rest? TheCebuano lists down 17 amazing reasons.

1. Carving Station

Are you a huge fan of steaks and meat in general? Vikings has a wonderful Carving Station which features various kinds of meat dishes and steaks.

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (1)

2. GrillStation

Want something hot off the grill? Vikings’ Grill Stationhas a wide array of ready-to-grill food items to choose from. Plus, you can watch how your food is being prepared and cooked!

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (2)

3. International Spread

Aside from the usual Filipino and American dishes, Vikings also offers Greek, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Mexican, and other great-tasting selectionsfrom various parts of the world!

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (3)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (4)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (5)

4. Sweets Station

Are you a fan of desserts? Vikings Luxury Buffet’s Sweets Station is massive and very well-stocked. And we’re sure you’ll love every square inch of it.

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (6)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (7)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (8)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (9)

5. Friendly and Attentive Staff

Can’t pronounce certain dish names or do you simply want a new plate, napkin, or fork? Vikings is run by very attentive and friendly wait staff.

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (10)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (11)

6. Special Bday Treat

Want to celebrate your birthday at Vikings? Together with one full-paying customer, simply present one valid ID on the day of your birthday (make sure the ID has your birthdate on it,) and you get to eat for free! It’s that easy!

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (12)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (13)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (14)

7. Al FrescoSeating

If you want a different buffet dining experience, you can skip the indoor dining area and dine at the al fresco area, instead! Isn’t thatexciting?

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (15)

8. Elegant Function Rooms

Want to doyour meetings or other official functions at a hotel? Why not do it at Vikings? Vikings has several function rooms that let you enjoy everything Vikings has to offer in the comfort of your very own well-appointed room.

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (16)

9. Amazing Interiors

Vikings brancheshave unique interior designs and set-up that reflect the culture and traditions of their particular city. Vikings Cebu features a contemporary design with random popping hues to make the dining space more vibrant and dynamic.

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (17)

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (18)

10.All You Can Drink!

At Vikings, you get to enjoy your drink of choice. And we’re not talking about 2 or 3 different drinks here.We are talking about over a dozen different choicesyou can come back to over and over again!

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (19)

11. Competitive Rate

For a luxury buffet, it is surprising to note that Vikings has a very competitive buffet rate. On weekdays, regular rate is only 688+ for lunch and 888+ for dinner. On weekends, regular rate for both lunch and dinner is 888+.

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (20)

12. Big Group Packages

Dining with your whole clan or the whole soccer team? At Vikings, for every ten full-paying diners, one diner can get to eat for free!

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (21)

13. Modern-Day Heroes Treat

Are you an OFW? For every three full-paying diners, you can dine for free! Just present your original (and valid) OFW ID or employment contract and you’re good to go!

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (22)

14. AnniversaryTreat

Want to celebrate your wedding anniversary at Vikings? You and your better half can enjoy huge discounts within three days before or after and on the exact day of your anniversary. Just present your marriage certificate.

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (23)

15. Surprise Dance Numbers!

To give guests a chance to take a breather from all the binging, food handlers, waiters, and even the chefs regularly break out into dance. What a treat!

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (24)

16. No ‘No Leftover’ Rule

Forget about the outdated ‘No Leftover’ rule in buffet restaurants. Vikings doesn’t let you pay for that one tiny piece of meat left on your plate.

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (25)

17. Everything is Unlimited

One round of drinks? One plate of pasta? Nah! At Vikings, everything is unlimited! So if you enjoyed that serving of mango crepe with vanilla ice cream, go head and get another one. Or two!

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (26)

For a truly filling and unforgettable buffet dining experience, visit Vikings Luxury Buffet at the Northwing of SM City Cebu.

Vikings Luxury Buffet

Northwing, SM City Cebu
Reservations:032-255-3888 or 032-255-4888.
Facebook Page
Instagram –@vikingsluxurybuffet
Twitter –@vikingsluxurybuffet

17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (27)

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17 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Like a Viking! - The Cebuano (2024)


What does it mean to eat like a Viking? ›

In a modern viking diet, options such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, fat-free or low-fat milk, and yogurt can be incorporated. Additionally, smoked and cured meats such as pork, beef, seal, whale, and walrus were enjoyed by the Vikings, prepared in various ways including boiling, stewing, roasting, and in sausages.

What were Viking diets really like? ›

Vikings ate hearty meals with meat, dairy, grains, fruit and vegetables to maintain their energy, since their everyday activities included exploring unknown lands and sailing the open waters. In fact, during the Middle Ages, even a poor Viking had a diet that was considerably better than that of an English peasant.

How many meals did the Vikings eat per day? ›

Unlike modern Norwegians, Vikings tended to only eat two meals per day. These were known as dagmal and nattmal, which meant a day meal and night meal.

What was the ancestral diet Viking? ›

Pigs were kept for their meat, and cattle, sheep and goats were sometimes eaten too, although these animals were more usually kept to produce dairy products like milk and butter. Readily available vegetables likely included turnips and shallots as well as beans, peas and goosefoot (a leafy plant similar to kale).

What is a Viking meal? ›

Roasted and boiled meats, rich stews, platters of buttered root vegetables, sharp, welcome greens, and sweet fruits and nuts meant a rich feast and full bellies. While major feasts might last 12 days, minor feasts and celebrations would last a few.

Did Vikings eat cheese? ›

Dairy would have made a frequent appearance in many a Viking diet. The seafaring warriors were farmers, after all, and skilled at animal husbandry. Cows and sheep did provide meat, but they also gave the Vikings a reliable supply of buttermilk, cheese, butter, and other products.

How did Vikings gain weight? ›

The Vikings needed all the energy that they could get in the form of fat – especially in winter. Meat, fish, vegetables, cereals and milk products were all an important part of their diet. Sweet food was consumed in the form of berries, fruit and honey. In England the Vikings were often described as gluttonous.

What vegetables were in the Viking diet? ›

Norse-Viking Diet
  • Dairy products (milk, cheese, curds, whey)
  • Grains (wheat, rye, barley, oats)
  • Fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, crabapples, apples)
  • Nuts (hazelnuts and imported walnuts)
  • Vegetables (peas, beans, onions, cabbage, leeks, turnips)
  • Fish (as well as eels, squid, seals, and whales)
Jan 15, 2019

Does Viking make you lose weight? ›

Viking said patients who received the pill once a day lost up to 5.3% of their weight on average, or up to 3.3% more than those who took a placebo, at 28 days. Up to 57% of patients who received Viking's pill lost at least 5% of their body weight.

Did Vikings eat eggs? ›

They ate beef, goat, pork, mutton, lamb, chicken and duck and occasionally horsemeat. The chickens and ducks produced eggs, so the Vikings ate their eggs as well as eggs gathered from wild seabirds. . Because most Vikings lived on the coast, they ate all kinds of fish, both ocean-going and freshwater fish.

Did Vikings eat pizza? ›

The Vikings did not eat pizza as we know it today!

What do Vikings drink? ›

The Vikings drank strong beer at festive occasions, together with the popular drink of mead. Mead was a sweet, fermented drink made from honey, water and spices.

What cereals did Vikings eat? ›

Rye bread is often regarded as being especially Danish. But what did everyday bread taste like in the Viking period? The most important cereals were rye and barley. In addition, oats, millet and wheat were cultivated.

What spices did Vikings use? ›

A wide range of herbs and seasonings helped flavor Viking food, with spices like coriander, cumin, mustard and wild horseradish making an appearance at the table.

What language did Vikings speak? ›

The Vikings spoke Old Norse, also known as Dǫnsk Tunga/Norrœnt mál. Old Norse was a North Germanic language spoken by the Vikings in Scandinavia, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, and in parts of Russia, France, the British Isles where Vikings had settled.

What was the Viking style diet? ›

Meat, fish, vegetables, cereals and milk products were all an important part of their diet. Sweet food was consumed in the form of berries, fruit and honey. In England the Vikings were often described as gluttonous. They ate and drank too much according to the English.

What does Viking mean in buffet? ›

"Viking" in contemporary Japanese means buffet, an adaption of the name of Japan's very first buffet dining restaurant in 1958, the Imperial Hotel's Viking smorgasbord. The world has changed, and so has our Viking.

What were the eating habits of Vikings? ›

In the Viking Age, people had two meals a day: dagverðr in the middle of the morning and náttverðr in the evening. Their daily menu consisted mainly of groats and boiled cereals, bread and dairy products.

What was Viking common food? ›

The most common foods were:
  • Dairy products (milk, cheese, curds, whey)
  • Grains (wheat, rye, barley, oats)
  • Fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, crabapples, apples)
  • Nuts (hazelnuts and imported walnuts)
  • Vegetables (peas, beans, onions, cabbage, leeks, turnips)
  • Fish (as well as eels, squid, seals, and whales)
Jan 15, 2019

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